Cracked cricket II WSA stock


Well this is a first. A little disappointed for sure but not the end of the world. I think I can repair it but not what I expected in the first month. Yes I hunt with it and have it in the rain and snow every weekend for the month I’ve owned it. Still didn’t expect it because I treat all of my rifles the same and some are 10+ years old and show no signs of cracking after years in the elements. I always clean them when I get home and leave in my gun room outside of my safe so my dehumidifier can fully dry them out before being stored. Will definitely be getting another stock so this one can get abused and the other can stay nice. I’ll post the process after squirrel season ends and I begin the stock repair and refinishing. Hopefully I can get the wood sealed better than it came. The most surprising part is where it’s cracking. Above and around the trigger. I was worried about the cheek piece because it’s super thin but it seems fine at this time. 
After looking at the picture closer , the one buy the trigger could be a crack from water getting in under the action . but the one on the outside above the trigger might only be the outside grain layer spreading or lifting a little & not a crack . I have a cricket also and the inside is not sealed like the outside, another thing they use beech if it were walnut I suspect you wouldn't of had that problem . I refinished a beech stock a few years ago and used a damp rag to get the dust off and raise the grain a little for final sanding . It looked the same as your picture if it got too wet .
Hello DetailKY.

First of all we'd like to thank you for all the posts you've made so far with your new Cricket II and we are glad that you truly enjoy the gun.

We are sorry this happened to your stock and actually this is the first time we see it happened. 

In regards to conditions in which the gun was used we would recommend you to use it with a plastic stock.

Please, contact our dealer Charlie from Georgia Airguns for details.
Thank you Kalibrgun and thank you Charlie Frear! I don't know if I'm supposed to share the deal they offered me but I'm satisfied and will be posting pictures of my new synthetic stock in the woods soon. I was willing to accept that I submitted the rifle to extreme weather conditions and got bit but they both felt like I didn't own all of the responsibility. I didn't try to hide that I wasn't babying the rifle and had a specific use in mind when I purchased it. If you ever need a real world torture tester I'm here. I'll do a write up on what I do to strip, repair, and refinish the wsa stock once I get the other so I don't have to miss a weekend with the gun in the woods. Thanks again! 

Thank you Kalibrgun and thank you Charlie Frear! I don't know if I'm supposed to share the deal they offered me but I'm satisfied and will be posting pictures of my new synthetic stock in the woods soon. I was willing to accept that I submitted the rifle to extreme weather conditions and got bit but they both felt like I didn't own all of the responsibility. I didn't try to hide that I wasn't babying the rifle and had a specific use in mind when I purchased it. If you ever need a real world torture tester I'm here. I'll do a write up on what I do to strip, repair, and refinish the wsa stock once I get the other so I don't have to miss a weekend with the gun in the woods. Thanks again! 

Nice service and you are Happy, perfect. Having two stocks is cool and I am a 'real world torture tester' too. Two Simple Rules: I never drive any faster than I want to wreck and I don't break anything so badly that I cannot repair it.

Based on their response to your issue I would definitely buy from Georgia Airguns. My dealer sucks and I wish I had bought from GA.