I got one for Xmas when I was about ten. Cheap, weird, funky, bad trigger action, weak-shooting, inaccurate and... worked fine for quick-draw contests against my Big Brother armed with a comparably cheap, weird, funky, bad trigger action, weak-shooting, inaccurate Daisy 179 'Spittin Image'.
Backyard distances, strict rule of no shots above the waist went often compromised in the heat of battle when SPEED was the top priority. Both "guns" stung like a bee with any hit; but the most debilitating hit I witnessed was when my buddy hit Big Brother with a nipple shot! Kim danced around for five minutes spewing profanity no-one would imagine in a twelve year-old vernacular, had One not witnessed it myself.
Proof positive it doesn't always take impressive equipment to have great fun; especially when mixed with great imagination(s)!