That's a pretty impressive resume! Wow!"I don’t know where you heard that."
It's been alluded on this forum multiple times, including one thread that stated all the parts are still available from Crosman to build a 1720T. I did find that a little strange.
I've also seen and experienced other circumstantial evidences; one being several AGN posts bemoaning lack of 1720T availability. Perhaps I should know better than to believe everything I read... especially in Cyberspace.
Also, when I bought my P-Rod (close to a year ago) the only place in Cyberspace I could find one was I couldn't even buy one from Crosman. So I assumed Crosman had none in stock, and jumped on one from Walmart on the further assumption that distribution pipe-lines were going dry of P-Rods. Interestingly and STRANGELY, my P-Rod (purchased from was drop-shipped from Crosman.
BTW, I dreamed none of this.
Having owned Crosmans for over sixty years, captured multiple State & National Champion titles and NRA National Record certificates with Crosmans, witnessed Crosman's classic to plastic devolution, their subsequent self-resurrection, their (often) slow and/or awkward responses to popular demands, founded Pistol Field Target and Extreme Pistol Field Target competitions, and been personally responsible for over ten 1720 purchases by new PFT shooters, it is a huge understatement to say my emotional, one-sided relationship with Crosman has been quite a long and exhausting roller-coaster ride. I suspect I'm not the only one that feels this way; just the most (obviously) EMOTIONALLY SCARRED.
A good analogy is my emotional investment in the DALLAS COWBOYS!
Understand this AR- I'm not dumping on you. You've shown great courage coming out as a Crosman employee(?). That, in itself, is admirable. As also are your obvious intellect, logic, and communication skills.
Also this- Although I am often critical of Crosman, it has ALWAYS been on the hope they can benefit from it. Call it 'constructive' criticism(s)... hardened by frustration(s). I'm not the only one that feels Crosman doesn't exactly have a finger on the pulse of American airgunning (see my post-script below).
FWIW (ALL Crosmans, though you might not recognize them)-
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Best Regards,
P.S.- I sometimes wonder if anyone at Crosman realizes I've been winning high-level airgun competitions with their products for forty years, written seventeen chapters specifically about their products (in five books), referenced their products in most of the other 82 chapters, also contributed magazine articles specifically about Crosman products, other articles referencing Crosman products, contributed much related information and photos to the latest Blue Book Of Airgun Values; yet I doubt anyone at Crosman even recognizes my name. If the answer is no, that confirms my opinion Crosman doesn't exactly have their finger on the pulse of American airgunning.
But if the answer is yes...
I am available for consulting. I work on a commission basis. My fee is 10% of the amount I increase gross sales on products I input.
Consider this the free initial consultation.
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