Crosman Customer Service?

Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone has a contact at Crosman management? The reason I ask is that I have let's say an issue with an item I purchased and have communicated via. E-mail, and phone (customer service) and haven't received what I would consider "good" customer service. I'm not here to smash Crosman I'm a fan and own and have gifted Crosman air guns. I'm just trying to give Crosman an opportunity to make this "issue" right :). Hopefully I will not have to share a bad experience about a company that I have trusted in. I believe in sharing information both good and bad on experience's I've had with any product/customer service so that others have the ability to make a informed decision on a purchase.
unfortunately it seems only the bad makes the headlines . I would guestimate 10 bad to 1 good .
Yeah I hear you, so true. I myself being human have made mistakes myself so I don't expect everything to be perfect. I evaluate a business by their customer service and follow up. Here's an example: just recently I broke my bicycle head light, it was my fault. I broke a plastic piece that the strap holds onto. I'm an avid cyclist and have purchased Cygolite products along with other bicycle lights (safety). I reached out to Cygolite via email seeing if they had a replacement part (didn't see one on their website). They got back with me the same day and asked for my address so they could send me one, no questions asked!! I wasn't looking for a handout. They sent me one free of charge no shipping or anything within a couple of days!! :oops: I sent them another email expressing my appreciation what they did and they responded the next day and said if I ever have a problem with their product to please let them know!!:oops: Well don't you know that I will never buy any other bicycle light but a Cygolite!! SOOO it you are a cyclist and have a need for a light I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU BUY A CYGOLITE!!!:)
not me riding but this is what i ride , old and fat am i .
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Ok, I just got off the phone with someone from Crosman and they have renewed my faith, so there's a good experience :). I always shared good experiences and yes the "bad" ones also. I see it as informing others so that they can take the information and do with it as they like. I know I read what others post here on their experiences to help make an informed decision. This in the "information highway" after all;).
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone has a contact at Crosman management? The reason I ask is that I have let's say an issue with an item I purchased and have communicated via. E-mail, and phone (customer service) and haven't received what I would consider "good" customer service. I'm not here to smash Crosman I'm a fan and own and have gifted Crosman air guns. I'm just trying to give Crosman an opportunity to make this "issue" right :). Hopefully I will not have to share a bad experience about a company that I have trusted in. I believe in sharing information both good and bad on experience's I've had with any product/customer service so that others have the ability to make a informed decision on a purchase.
If you don't mind me asking, what was the product and what was the issue you were having?