Crosman Crosman Silhouette 1701P Oiling and recommendations

Greetings pistols fans, I currently have a Crosman Silhouette 1701P, it's a great pistol, however, I would like to ear recommendations for lubricants and which types do you use to keep the pistol in top condition???

I know that the Crosman site recommends RMCOIL which is Dow Corning pure Silicone lubricant, however, I wanted to know, if within this forum, people have used other type of silicon lubricant.

Also, the manufacturer recommends using MOLLY GRAPHITE EP (Extreme pressure) grease to the main bolt, however, they do not make any recommendations about which product to use.

I have seen that sells Clenzoil lubricant for PCP and softair pistols, has anyone use this brand before?

Thanks and greetings from Costa Rica!
Pura Vida!
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Looks like after searching over the internet on other sites, I believe, I can use the following Moly on the gun.


Still looking for opinions on the Clenzoil Silicon Lubricant, has anyone use it on a Crosman PCP 1701P Pistol?

Thanks and regards.