Crosman to cut 100's of jobs

;), USPS does not need help from Gamo, Daisy and Crosman to loose packages. Their most recent trick is not scanning anything past the initial receiving scan or not even that. I had a package just a few weeks ago sent to a noted air gun shop that never left the receiving station even after being delivered! I guess it was one of those Schrödinger's cats that can be two places at once or dead and alive at the same time.
HAHAHA just signed up for USPS informed del. Email 's every AM with scanned picture , wonder how much that adds to the cost of doing business ?
It don't to them . They just jack up the stamp cost and you cover the bills
just think what better uses that money could do ? instead of sending me a picture of junk mail i do not want . Today i am going to receive a Flyer from Woodcraft . (i know off topic )