Crosmans new compressor, & Airtex

I just read a thread on a very nice $2700 compressor with a 1 year warranty. I'd like to let you know, Bruce Dodson of AirTex compressors come with a limited lifetime guarantee. Talked with Bruce years ago & he stated, " If someone buys my compressorr, I offer service as long as I'm alive & able." That's minus shipping of course, & I suggest maintenance on your own; but IF something should fail that shouldn't, Bruce stands by his product.

That being said, I don't have that money or need for a Bauer quality compressor. I don't shoot that much. Which brings me to a Crosman compressor I've heard of. I expect another year until we see it, although it's due out. Cost is allegedly in the $600 range. What I like about this is availability of parts & Crosmans ease of customer service.

Anyone know any facts or maybes on the upcoming Crosman compressor?