Crown Accuracy

I have always been really pleased with my 30cal Crowns accuracy and this is why. This is a 5 shot group from a cold un-shot gun just taken to the bench from a 59 degree room. I filled it up prior to shooting the first shot from 160 to 225. This has probably been my best gun ever at shooting well from not being shot for weeks. This is off my bench at 60yds, bipod and sand bag setup. This isn't an anomaly either. I've seen similar results at 80yds as well. This group was shot with wash and lubed Hatsan 44.75gr pellets. 



The target is just under the tree


Dam, then hands are looking like an old fart!!!


I am absolutely loving my new Crown 22. I love how accurate mine is. Below was the final sheet of 5 shot groups at 50yds that I had the other day after trying out different ammo and speeds for 2 days. One row of 18gr and one of 25gr. Total square size is 1/2”, with quadrants at 1/4”. 

Group 4 with 18s went wonky when changing mags. 1st group with 25gr was off but settled in and fell off reg at group 5. Wind was pretty steady right to left at 6-7 mph.

I am happy, especially with just testing and not really making an effort at anything special.

It currently shoots 18gr better than any rifle I’ve owned, and it wasn’t even set up for them. That is MIN setting. I have shot some fun paper games, and scored the best scores I have ever shot with both 18s and 25s with this same rifle.I have shot some scores that have beaten almost every 22lr I’ve owned, except for my Vudoo. 


Of the rifles I've owned in the last 2-3 years, the Crown was the easiest for me to shoot accurately. I made the decision to go all bullpups, all the time about a decade ago so my thinking has been the shorter the rifle, the better. But that doesn't always translate to the best groups for me. I couldn't pass up a gorgeous yellow jacket Crown that popped up on the Classified last year and it shot even better than it looked. The size and form factor of the rifle made it very comfortable for me to shoulder and shoot and I consistently got the best groups with that Crown. But every time I put it into or take it out the safe, I'm reminded of the fact that it's 8"-12" longer than most every other rifle I have (and that's with the shorter 380mm barrel) so it just seemed like an out of place oddity.

If I was a smarter person, I would buy more Crown like rifles and go away from bullpups based on the results but, unfortunately, I'm not the brightest guy around.
Same with my Raptor. LOL! Fine shooting Sir! Trying a new HP slug from a mold I hp'd. Barrel in pic of target Brownell's liner. Just installed a Heavy Superior that I got from
FX before they were available to the public by only a week or two. It is just as accurate as the Brownell's, but with far less fliers.

11 shots. One to settle the reg, 10 on target. it is cherry picked. With the FX Superior, no need to Cherry Pick. ;<) Sorry only 80 yd's all I have, GRRR!!!!!

