Culling Feral Cats

Around here most of the old house cats don't go out at night unless they are tough SOBs because in many cases their worst enemies are other cats. They are very territorial. I can smell the spraying when a new one is trying to take over. But Fat Cat the local large Manx male that rules this neighborhood for now usually dispenses with them. I had to euthanize one of his competitors a few months back after FC tore half his face off. 

I don't kill feral cats unless they do something like use the ragtop on my 73 Blazer to sharpen their claws or perhaps coat the inside of my pickup with cat piss because I forgot to close the last 4 inches of window at night. Or scratch my wife when she tries to shoo a starving cat who wondered into our kitchen to eat dog food and the faithful guard dog was on his 15 minute break. Then the trap comes out. I used to turn them over to AC until I found out they just turn them loose someplace else. 

And also I have always deferred when I see a cat with a collar. If they get trapped or are in the cross hairs they live for another day.
The problem as I see it is that only people who hold extreme opinions are politically active. Those of us who are moderates and willing to listen to reason and willing to compromise generally don’t lobby our congressmen or take much interest in doing things which might affect how we live. 

Tyically extreme positions are wrong emotionally held to even crazy . But these people do often get their way. 

This ducussion of cats an example. There are those who feel killing any animal is wrong and those who shoot everything that moves.

Those of us in the middle of the debate ( The silent majority) we do nothing. 

It’s too bad we allow the nuts among us to dictate policy 
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