Believe it or not, and I do realize how difficult it is to believe anything I say or keyboard, once again there was a method to my madness.

Since the OP specifically referenced AAFTA classes in his OP, my bloviation specifically targeted AAFTA shooters. I figured there was no need to suck innocent EFT shooters into this (assuming there are any

I suppose it's my own fault that anyone who knows me automatically assumes if my lips are moving or my fingers keyboarding anything spewing forth is either Texaggeration, BS, bad jokes, or lies. However some of the aforementioned falls under a heading I often employ- "The truth is fantastic enough for our purposes".
That said, I purposely neglected mentioning that time the duct-tape-fabricated handle on a worn-out cat let go in full swing, the mostly-thawed feline catching you upside the head, dropping you like a Dylan Mulvaney upkick to the jewels.

Took over a half-hour of mouth-to-mouth to resusitate you back to consciousness.

Don't think you've been quite the same ever since. But I assure you all our FT buddies are neither looking at you weirdly, nor giggling behind your back.
BTW, how's the resultant PTSD 'counseling' going? Still experiencing frequent nightmares of your first vision after regaining consciousness? My apologies; in retrospect I probably should have taken the time to comb my hair before a tempting resuscitation. My bad!
But at least the resuscitation was successful. Well... partially successful. Okay, NOT A TOTAL FAILURE!
meant well.