Hey. I have a Krait Lite X in .25 , 700 barrel and 580 tank, for two months now and a couple thousand rounds through it. I was told by Air Maks that the reg on these guns are set at 140 bar. With that being said, the gun is extremely powerful. Shooting 35 gr slugs at 980 and 33 gr heavies at 1050 with the hammer spring pretty muchh maxed out. Backing off the hammer spring to shoot the slugs and pellets at around 930-950 produces exceptional accuracy and consistency. Just as accurate, possibly more than my Impact MK 2. Only down side is when backing off the hammer spring to slow down lighter pellets, it becomes erratic and looses it's consistency. So, I do need to adjust the reg if I want to shoot lighter pellets. I have tried all the JTS,AEA, JSB pellets and even with the hammer spring backed way out and not as consistent as when the hammer spring is tighter, this is extremely accurate with every pellet I have tried! With the 300 bar fill and the 580 tank, lots of shots! Build quality, fit finish top notch. Need to see a video on adjusting the reg, maybe I make one myself. Air Maks customer service is unbelievable and they get back to you in 24 hrs no matter what the question. The Huma regulator in the Lite is full adjustable like all Humas. They said they would try to produce a video. I also asked them too provide a better exploded view on line as the ones the have now do not identify part names, just o'rings, pins and screws? Hope this helps as there is not a lot of info about the gun for the differences between the Lite and standard Krait. All in all great gun, great price, great customer service!