Custom craftetd L2 Grip? Steven Brown is where it’s at!

If you felt the stock L2 grip was too small and we’re looking at options, I’ll say that Steven Brown is among the finest in the business. I’d contacted him through FB. We’d discussed options, color, contour, and he’d provided me with a quote. Steven updated me as the grip was being made, and throughout shipping, he’d checked in. I’m telling you, he handles your business 1st class! The way it was packaged, you’d know something special arrived. More pics when mounted, but I am truly impressed with the quality, finish, and transaction- Outstanding!







Hallo, ich bin neu in diesem Forum und wohne in Deutschland. Ich habe eine Frage zu dem Griff für die Edgun Leshiy2. Wo kann ich diese Griffe kaufen? Ich finde nichts im Internet zu Steven Brown. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn mir jemand helfen kann oder einen Kontakt herstellen könnte. Ich find die originalen Griffe der Edgun nicht so gut. Aber die Griffe von Steven Brown finde ich erstklassig!
Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe.
Viele Grüße
I'm definitely in the stock grip is too small camp.

If you've happened to use both the Gen1 & Gen2 versions of his Classic Leshiy grip are you able to compare them to this one?

Just realized I hadn’t replied, not the most forum fluent individual. Here’s a good comparison to the original L2. The only thing I would do differently on the next one would be less of a defined thumb rest/wing. It looks cool but you notice. That might change as I’ve put very few shots through this but hope to get back into the sport.

