Have a Ark. Daisy 25 BB Gun that started not shooting BBs when I fired. Took shot tube out and emptied all the bbs. Ran a cleaning rod down the barrel and this vented steel rod popped out. I cannot see how this rod goes back up the shot tube as I believe it would block bbs from being fed. I am sure this rod vents the compressed air to the barrel. Also I saw a little retainer spring on the side of the bottom of the shot tube in one video but in another video the shot tube did not have one. Does anyone know how to get this steel rod back in the gun properly?
View attachment 09-07-12-04-Daisy-25-prototype-Daisy-No25-schematic.pdf
View attachment 09-07-12-04-Daisy-25-prototype-Daisy-No25-schematic.pdf