I picked up a like new Daisy 747 air pistol. This is a match pistol that Daisy used to make , along with the cheaper 717 ,They also made the 722 , which is the .22 version of the 717. Also the top of the pile 777. The 747 has a Lothar Walther barrel , and a trigger adjustment screw to lighten the pull weight. The 747 , and the 777 were made for 10 meter compedition at a reasonable price point. At 10 meters both are very accurate. I first tried the Daisy flat nosed pellet , and then the 7.0 grain RWS R10 pellet. On to the JSB 8.44 grain pellet. Last the HN 8.18 grain , and the HN 10.65 grain pellet. All did well , and the heavier pellets did OK. I have some wood grips coming , but after three weeks I fear they are lost in transit. Any how , I recommend this pistol