I got the parts in, reseal kit, new valve and a new pump lever assembly as the rivet was loose and worn. It took me a bit to get the barrel with valve assembly removed but finally figured it out. and got everything cleaned and reassembled. The old foam wiper was hard and crumbled apart when I removed it. The old O rings seemed a little hard. Got the new ones installed and lubed with some supplied SuperLube silicone grease. I had tested the gun with a chronometer last week and velocity was around 260fps, after doing my work it is up to about 390, so a big increase.
I did pick up a couple of other of these guns, in a bit better condition, but the wipers were all bad, so replaced them again with the polyurethane kit along with new valves and they all shoot nicely, velocities all in the 390 range. I plan on some informal matches with my son and grandson when they are over next, all using the same gun. I just need to get out the next morning or so and get them zeroed so they will be ready..