N/A DAQ breech 2240 build ??

Got this old DAQ breech and figured I would make a .25 cal. Pistol. So I order a Crosman 2240 for starters, I am looking for a .25 cal. Barrel any ideas where I can get one. Please also include any other ideas you would recommend for this build.

thank you
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.25 cal . Classic Leshiy barrel comes in 250 and 350 length . i believe it is 16 MM od ?
Also LW barrels in Georgia has most sizes and not nearly as $$$ as one might think .
Classic Leshiy barrels are usually always 11.96 mm or 11.98 mm at least the 4 I have owned that were originals were . ;)(y)

You may want to check that DAQ breech for threading lol . Mine are threaded . The Daq ,25 barrel I have is 11.16 mm so it is significantly smaller than a leshiy classic .
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