Darling Starlings

I knew this day would come but now that it arrived, I am deeply saddened.

My son came over to help me with spring chores and at the end of the day, we were greeted by 3 starlings sitting 20 feet up in a pine tree calling down to us from only 50 feet away.

I told my son to stand there and I went to the shop, grabbed the short Notos, put it behind my back and was greeted again by the birds.

We spoke for a while (the son, I yelled at the Starlings) and I slowly moved the Notos around the side of me.

The very moment it was visible, all 4 (the Sentry was quiet and hiding) of the Starlings took off!

This happens every year after a few weeks of pesting in the spring.

How do I extend the season?
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Bait them with suet cakes. I have cakes set at my 50 yd target stand and my 100 yd target stand. They can see me walk to my bench with rifle in hand but it doesnt matter. Once in awhile you get a few cautious ones that spook when I have to carry all my gear to the table but they come back within minutes. They always come in to feed no matter how many I shoot. If you are limited on space and can only get 30 yds or under it may not work as well unless you use cover to shoot from.
Bait them with suet cakes. I have cakes set at my 50 yd target stand and my 100 yd target stand. They can see me walk to my bench with rifle in hand but it doesnt matter. Once in awhile you get a few cautious ones that spook when I have to carry all my gear to the table but they come back within minutes. They always come in to feed no matter how many I shoot. If you are limited on space and can only get 30 yds or under it may not work as well unless you use cover to shoot from.

I have 500 yards clear to play with, the suet cakes sound GREAT! 😇
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