Daystate Air Wolf Owners

Haven't hunted with either of mine in a while, but still shoot them on occasion. Top is a .17 MCT and bottom is .22. Both with CF tanks, though I did paint the bottom one. Need to do the same for the top one. 

Got one big issue with the MCT's... and that is I cant tinker with them! Aside from the bottle and an aftermarket trigger blade on one, There isn't much to do. You sight them in, can let them sit for months take them out and they still hit exactly where you want, when you want! The .22 MCT was the first gun I've dropped THAT kind of cash on and I've not begrudged a single cent of it. Picked up the other one used at the Hickory show some years back. It was the 12fpe model. Talked to AoA on upping power and they told me that it likely would need a new valve, this, that and the other and I hem hawed and finally sent it in. Turns out, it needed nothing other than a reprogram and it was cheap and fast. Simply stellar guns. I was concerned about the electronics, as many were when they came out, but I have had zero issues with mine. I had an older CDT model that the battery swelled up in and that's been my only trouble with any of the Daystate electronic guns.


☝ +1 and a Heliboard is the best investment for it. Very pellet friendly even moreso than the Redwolf and Pulsar.

Half to 1/3 the price of a Redwolf and pretty much equally as good without the annoying auto shut off power off found on the Redwolfs and Pulsars. $900 is the upper $$$ end of average going rate today and cheapest I seen sold for $700 on this forum.

$900 shipped would be the maximum fair price shipped if it had been recently serviced with a fairly new battery with documentation and the keys and charger and single shot tray and magazine.