Daystate Air Wolf will not fill

So I just bought this used Daystate Air Wolf and it came with the gauge at 100 bar. I hooked up my compressor and when the gauge hits 100 bar on the compressor there's a loud click and it will not charge any further. I contacted daystate and they said it's a problem with the shuttle valve which they assume has been assembled backwards. They told me to clean it all up and it will work. I took off the fill valve and the shuttle valve was very difficult to get out. once I got it out, I saw why. the inside of the fill port is very scraped (chattered?) up. I am assuming the shuttle valve is simply sticking on the rough scraping in there. Will a new fill port fix this issue? where do I even go about finding a new fill port?

I'll try to include a picture here

or could it be something else entirely that's causing the gun to click and stop taking any air? When I contacted Daystate they were pretty much convinced that the shuttle valve was in backwards. It wasn't. I even for kicks tried it backwards and it doesn't even take a speck of air that way. correctly it takes up to 50 bar then clicks.

The guy I got it from filled it with a tank, because he had all the pressure in the tank was it enough to not push that shuttle valve back, where I am going up gradually with my compressor? I tried my hand pump and same thing, 50 bar and click.
that type is installed with the slot being seen once inserted.
Damage shown down inside is @ where the o-ring makes its seal .... Which begs the question HOW WAS A SEAL even being made ?

The CLICK typically heard is that of the shuttle coming nearly all the way out impacting the end of the fittings threaded hole.
Once open air should freely flow past it. Hearing a click from fitting under pressure yet NOT flowing air is rather suspect. SO TRY THIS ...

Leave the shuttle out, reinstall fitting. ( Your going to loose all the air put in, but this test validates no further down stream blockages )
Attempt to fill the rifle now and see if tank fills, too or even past 100 bar ? If it does, bleed it all back out and get a replacement check valve assembly.
that type is installed with the slot being seen once inserted.
Damage shown down inside is @ where the o-ring makes its seal .... Which begs the question HOW WAS A SEAL even being made ?

The CLICK typically heard is that of the shuttle coming nearly all the way out impacting the end of the fittings threaded hole.
Once open air should freely flow past it. Hearing a click from fitting under pressure yet NOT flowing air is rather suspect. SO TRY THIS ...

Leave the shuttle out, reinstall fitting. ( Your going to loose all the air put in, but this test validates no further down stream blockages )
Attempt to fill the rifle now and see if tank fills, too or even past 100 bar ? If it does, bleed it all back out and get a replacement check valve assembly.
oh I hadn't thought of that. Tried that right now. No more click, but it won't accept any air at all. Now I'm totally lost! what does that leave me with now?