Revere .177 with 20grain slugs from factory setting. 14,6 ft/ibs only.(MV 575 ft/sec) Slug doesn`t need speed!. It needs the right rifling with the right twist.
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From what I can see, the longest tubes in the BlackWolf are 300cc. I own a different make/model with a similar volume of air tube and it only gets 30 shots per fill, 50fpe each. Your example of a 45 grain @ 900 fps would be 80fpe. As I said, not the same gun but physics is physics, and there's only so much energy potential in a given volume/pressure of air. I'd be quite surprised if a 300cc airtubed Black Wolf gets more than 20ish shots per fill, in your example of 80fpe per shot. And 16-18 might even be optimistic.
I see the purpose of a .30 caliber as a hunting tool. If it can get 16 to 20 shots with 45 grain pellets at 900+ fps then that is enough for me. I would have a buddy bottle available to top off in the event I ran into the mother load of varmints needing a lead pill before bed time. The rifle would not be shot at that power level all the time, just when needed for the particular varmint being hunted. I am not a bench shooter and the OAL being around 38 inches and the relatively light advertised weight along with conventional looks are my interest. The Black Wolf is certainly interesting to me, especially in the non-bottle format. And that Daystate says they plan to support the rifle with upgrades and multiple options that would allow the owner to go from Tacti-Cool to Fudd-Cool with a few parts swaps.
I am not into slugs, if I need that sort of range then I need my .17HMR/.22Magnum/.22LR/.22 Hornet/.204 Ruger/.223.
Dunno, an electronic gun is super efficient with air and has a crazy gentle shot cycle.The value of Red Wolves has just tanked. All the old wolves are running away with their tails between their legs. This is a true refinement, not just a re-hashed old platform.
What did you think about the tensioning system?As always I wish they'd made a more solid barrel to receiver attachment system. Also would rather have a solid steel barrel than a brass chamber machined to fit a barrel.
They sell a lot of Rolex watches and to me they are crazy expensive… I think creating a high price point also creates some exclusivityAMMENDED STATEMENT
I converted the UK price to get the $1800 number. When I saw the AOA prices, I couldn't believe it. No disrespect to AOA, they're great, but DS is crazy if they think they'll sell a lot of $3k airguns, i don't care how well they shoot! There's a lot of good guns for half that.
Since I already have a ghost with all options available, I would choose the BW because the more traditional stock will balance better at the shoulder, especially with a bigger scopeCarbon gray 17" bottle version $2499.
BRK Ghost 23" HP $2399.
Which one would ya'll pick and why?
Good infoI have here since I got my Daystate Revere in .177cal(august 2021) said the slugs doesn`t need to go fast. Its only an "FX thing" spread over the internet that slugs need to go fast. My Revere shoots 20grain slugs accurately down to 14 ft/ibs. Shooting slugs its about the rifling profile, the land/groove relation and twist. Right now my Revere is set to 23 ft/ibs with ZANs 22grain solids or 690 ft/sec. The type of barrel I have on my Revere is standard LW barrel. The FX are doing their rifling(which is not a rifling) has its limitations. Here is a slug from the Revere. No magic.View attachment 545134
I don't think you can really truly tension a barrel very good unless it's threaded into the breech like an Evol, R5M, Taipan Vet 2 for a few examples.What did you think about the tensioning system?
Although I’m not a mechanical engineer, the basic idea behind tensioning and harmonics reduction is to minimize whip or vibration and in an Airgun with a reasonable barrel wall, it’s not a big deal… more marketing imo … I’ll add more laterI don't think you can really truly tension a barrel very good unless it's threaded into the breech like an Evol, R5M, Taipan Vet 2 for a few examples.
It's the latter. Unfortunate for some things, but apparently done for better air transfer efficiency.Has anyone seen if the bottled versions will have the valve in the bottle that allows unthreadimg the bottle without losing air?
Ie, Ghost bottle config where hot bottle swaps are an option?
Or Red Wolf bottle config where unthreading the bottle dumps all the air from the bottle?
Short answer = noHas anyone seen if the bottled versions will have the valve in the bottle that allows unthreadimg the bottle without losing air?
Ie, Ghost bottle config where hot bottle swaps are an option?
Or Red Wolf bottle config where unthreading the bottle dumps all the air from the bottle?
you can, and some people have - example of this can be found on the Sub12 YouTube channel, he has a specific video on adding a valve to the Redwolf. I'm not a machinist so not likely i can create such a fix unless i spend significant amounts of money to have a talented machinist do this.Could you fit a valve to the bottle aftermarket?
Ah, so there's not a standard size that just bolts right can, and some people have - example of this can be found on the Sub12 YouTube channel, he has a specific video on adding a valve to the Redwolf. I'm not a machinist so not likely i can create such a fix unless i spend significant amounts of money to have a talented machinist do this.