Daystate/BRK Prices

What burns my ass on the price hike on the daystates, is they jumped the price on the current stock they already had. The unregulated revere was $1050 and now it's $1155. You shouldn't raise prices on an item you paid less for and that has been sitting in storage. That's price gouging.

I think that is the definition of inflation. Everything costs more so they have to raise prices so they can afford the high prices. 🤬
It’s tempting to turn everything political fellas but let’s keep it simple and not have posts locked. I’m glad I got my BRK and Daystate before the hike but guess what? I’ll buy another even with a small price hike. We pay to play🤷‍♂️ it is what it is if you don’t like it take up knitting or something.
It’s tempting to turn everything political fellas but let’s keep it simple and not have posts locked. I’m glad I got my BRK and Daystate before the hike but guess what? I’ll buy another even with a small price hike. We pay to play🤷‍♂️ it is what it is if you don’t like it take up knitting or something.
Problem is, if we keep buying them as the price goes up, they'll keep raising the price. If we stop buying, they'll be forced to lower the price. Caveat to that, is it hurts these small businesses like AoA who carry the daystate guns exclusively. I for sure don't want to lose them.
Lol yeah.

Tin of quality pellets is way more than 3% more expensive now than it was in the previous 4 year time frame.
3 percent huh? I just bought a tin of 22 cal pellets for the same price I paid 10 years ago. Oh, but the tin only has 200 in it compared to 500.
🤷‍♂️ “Don’t Complicate it Just send it” there’s always knitting
You clearly have not been to the Yarn Isle in Walmart, starting to fight over needles, and have you seen what a ball of yarn cost? JoAnns is just as bad.

It's gotten to the point that I get used sweaters from Salvation Army and take them apart and start over.

When will it end?


I think if we see prices go up across all manufacturers, then you can blame that on inflation. If the prices only go up with 1 manufacturer, I don't think that is just inflation.
I find it hard to blame inflation for all of the price increases when some prices have not gone up in the past few years.
I have bought the same pair of Timberlin work boots for the past 25 years. They are still the same price they were 20 years ago. How can you blame inflation when some products have gone up 30plus % and some have stayed the same.
How much of the price increases are due to ACTUAL inflation and how many price increases are due to manufacturers wanting to get wealthy on each and every item they sell.
You'll can blame the politicians, but I would put more blame on the capitalist.
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I think if we see prices go up across all manufacturers, then you can blame that on inflation. If the prices only go up with 1 manufacturer, I don't think that is just inflation.
I find it hard to blame inflation for all of the price increases when some prices have not gone up in the past few years.
I have bought the same pair of Timberlin work boots for the past 25 years. They are still the same price they were 20 years ago. How can you blame inflation when some products have gone up 30plus % and some have stayed the same.
How much of the price increases are due to ACTUAL inflation and how many price increases are due to manufacturers wanting to get wealthy on each and every item they sell.
You'll can blame the politicians, but I would put more blame on the capitalist.
You don't blame a snake for biting you, it's just being a snake. Same with Politicians and Capitalist. Both are necessary evils, but in America we get to choose. Capitalist respond to the market, that's it. Priced to high, lower sales, higher profits, priced to low, increased sales, reduced profits. Capitalism is the only thing we can actively participate in on a daily bases. It gets worse when you factor that CEO have to make decisions based on what stock holder want.

This could get fun, but get the thread locked.
I'm off to JoAnn's for yarn.

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You don't blame a snake for biting you, it's just being a snake. Same with Politicians and Capitalist. Both are necessary evils, but in America we get to choose. Capitalist respond to the market, that's it. Priced to high, lower sales, higher profits, priced to low, increased sales, reduced profits. Capitalism is the only thing we can actively participate in on a daily bases. It gets worse when you factor that CEO have to make decisions based on what stock holder want.

This could get fun, but get the thread locked.
I'm off to JoAnn's for yarn.

Companies seem to be happy with the less sales/ higher profit model. At least JoAnn's has coupons. :)
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I think if we see prices go up across all manufacturers, then you can blame that on inflation. If the prices only go up with 1 manufacturer, I don't think that is just inflation.
I find it hard to blame inflation for all of the price increases when some prices have not gone up in the past few years.
I have bought the same pair of Timberlin work boots for the past 25 years. They are still the same price they were 20 years ago. How can you blame inflation when some products have gone up 30plus % and some have stayed the same.
How much of the price increases are due to ACTUAL inflation and how many price increases are due to manufacturers wanting to get wealthy on each and every item they sell.
You'll can blame the politicians, but I would put more blame on the capitalist.
Just wait until Timberline is forced by the EPA to make "Green Environmentally Friendly Plant Based Boots"!
They already want to get rid of Cows. :ROFLMAO:
You clearly have not been to the Yarn Isle in Walmart, starting to fight over needles, and have you seen what a ball of yarn cost? JoAnns is just as bad.

It's gotten to the point that I get used sweaters from Salvation Army and take them apart and start over.

When will it end?


Haha I knew someone would say something about the price of yarn. I’m sure whoever knits can tell you price wise increases like no other lol.
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You clearly have not been to the Yarn Isle in Walmart, starting to fight over needles, and have you seen what a ball of yarn cost? JoAnns is just as bad.

It's gotten to the point that I get used sweaters from Salvation Army and take them apart and start over.

When will it end?


It's much cheaper to buy the finished product than make it from scratch. My wife buys yarn and fabric and it costs a fortune, but she enjoys creating stuff like that. Once, she was collecting dog hair to make yarn for a sweater for me. Luckily, I found the bag of dog hair and quietly disposed of it.
Milk is almost double, beef is almost double.
I can comment on these. I can tell you that for the milk side we are definitely NOT getting paid double on our side of the milk.

Now beef is at a 60-70year low on # of cows. We are seeing record prices selling cows at the time. There is no indication that that will change in the near future as in a few years. With droughts and higher feed prices and record beef prices more are selling off instead of keeping them to rebuild numbers.