Daystate/BRK Prices

Wow a couple hundred bucks too. Too bad they haven't improved them. Just giving more options doesn't merit price increase.
More insurance, higher payroll, increased material costs, increased tooling costs, yep it’s a world wide thing!!!
Among the many reasons the dollar is so influential on the world economy is that it is the world's reserve currency,

Reduced buying power of the dollar ("inflation") negatively affects the entire world economy.

Being as though so much of the value of the dollar is influenced by political policy, the elected officials in the American government are extremely powerful, with vast downstream effects resulting from the personal agenda driven policies they enact.

As such, grocery store prices are insane, and prices for luxury items like high end airguns are also simply going up, as the value of the dollar goes down.
Everything has gone up, Brocock included. The only thing that has not gone up is my wages.

Same. With four kids, the grocery store bills are insane compared to what they were a couple years ago. And my wage has certainly not gone up a commensurate amount.

Funny that when a guy googles inflation rates the official numbers don't match the reality I deal with in the day to day, staying alive and keeping my kids clothed, housed, and fed.

Sure cuts into the airgun fun.
Among the many reasons the dollar is so influential on the world economy is that it is the world's reserve currency,

Reduced buying power of the dollar ("inflation") negatively affects the entire world economy.

Being as though so much of the value of the dollar is influenced by political policy, the elected officials in the American government are extremely powerful, with vast downstream effects resulting from the personal agenda driven policies they enact.

As such, grocery store prices are insane, and prices for luxury items like high end airguns are also simply going up, as the value of the dollar goes down.
Outside of politics it’s interesting to note that corporate profits are at an all time high
Reflecting opportunistic behavior on many levels
What burns my ass on the price hike on the daystates, is they jumped the price on the current stock they already had. The unregulated revere was $1050 and now it's $1155. You shouldn't raise prices on an item you paid less for and that has been sitting in storage. That's price gouging.
Lol yeah.

Tin of quality pellets is way more than 3% more expensive now than it was in the previous 4 year time frame.
Milk is almost double, beef is almost double, gas is almost double and was for awhile, etc etc etc.

What hasn't doubled is my pay. I remember when I chose to be an electrician because it was supposed to be a good career path. Now I wish I would've just made some dumbass videos on YT so the masses of brainless sheep would've made me rich!
Keep it semi-airgun related or it'll get shut down.

From an ethics/integrity/morals standpoint, NONE of the choices are good. For me it's as simple as choosing the one that runs the country in a way that I can afford to feed my kids, and maybe have a little left over for enjoying airguns.
I agree. Lesser of 2 evils. That's why I now shoot H&N over JSB lol. Airgun stuff related or something.