Daystate MK4 tube color.

Daystate does that with all of the models. In most cases, the rifles are identical to the stock models in every way except color (ie. no special barrels or better performance). But, there are a few models with more bells and whistles to go along with the color (such as the Grand Prix with the built in chronograph).
MK4 Platinum

Air Wolf - Gray Shadow

Grand Prix
Here are a couple of replies I received from the Daystate forum:

Re: Daystate MK4 Air cylinder colour!by airwolf1 » April 6th, 2015, 4:32 amHi,

Do you mean the silver rear tube? This came on the later models, as I recall there was no real difference, it was done to comply with some rule change or future change regarding the cylinder, something like they needed to be removable. As I remember they then needed to use a stronger material for the rear tube, this material couldn't be blacked in the same way as the cylinder so it was plated instead.

Re: Daystate MK4 Air cylinder colour!by MK4R10 » April 6th, 2015, 4:43 amHi as Airwolf says if you mean the rear tube ie the solaniod tube is silver on the latest MK4s i was told when i bought mine it was made from a different aluminium with improved properties that improve solanoid perfomance, some thing do with farady cage effects
.Not sure why they arnt black,but if its silver you know you have one of the latest most upto date editions.Only what my RFD told me.