Daystate Daystate Pulsar Li-po battery question

I have a Daystate Pulsar that runs on the LI-po battery. Daystate's website (under technical information) says "Charge the battery to 100% before storing the rifle, after this it can stay stored for up to 120 days.".

Relying on this I fully charged my battery as i need to store the rifle for a while, but later found out that on other products (e.g. R/C cars and drones etc) say never store Li-pos with more than a 50% charge. Now I have no way to safely discharge it for storage.

I don't have much experience with such batteries, and would highly appreciate anyone's advice/experience .

Thank you all!
Not exactly apples to oranges but…

My wife has an Ioniq6 electric car. It actually has a setting so you can have it charge to only 80%. It is supposed to extend battery life.

I had a Fiat 500e and would beat it to death, get home and immediately plug it in. Not good for it at all and never had an issue.

I’m guessing you will be fine.

Not sure it is an option to switch packs but my Pulsar take standard aaa batteries.
Not exactly apples to oranges but…

My wife has an Ioniq6 electric car. It actually has a setting so you can have it charge to only 80%. It is supposed to extend battery life.

I had a Fiat 500e and would beat it to death, get home and immediately plug it in. Not good for it at all and never had an issue.

I’m guessing you will be fine.

Not sure it is an option to switch packs but my Pulsar take standard aaa batteries.
Not exactly apples to oranges but…

My wife has an Ioniq6 electric car. It actually has a setting so you can have it charge to only 80%. It is supposed to extend battery life.

I had a Fiat 500e and would beat it to death, get home and immediately plug it in. Not good for it at all and never had an issue.

I’m guessing you will be fine.

Not sure it is an option to switch packs but my Pulsar take standard aaa batteries.
Thanks so much - it's at least some peace of mind for me. Unfortunately, switching to an AAA pack is apparently not straightforward at all, but it seems like a far more practical power source. Every source of info on Li-pos is full of "danger! Danger" warnings and it's a bit disconcerting !
I just use Lithium batteries in my Pulsars (2). Keep it simple.

The Li-po batteries in my RC cars...get stored with whatever "juice" they have left in them after the last run. Although I've only been into the RC car thing a little over a year, no obvious harm has come to the batteries so far.

Thanks a lot Mike, that's really comforting ro know!
If its lipo. It should be store about 70-80% charge. If you store it 100% charge for a long time. Say for a year. It will puff up 2x the size and be damage. This is coming from someone who fly rc heli, drone, and rc trucks. There are chargers that will discharge them for storage. Or just used them till it is about 70-80%. How long do you plan to store your gun without using? If less than a 6-8 months you got nothing to worried. It's when you store them for a long time like a year that it will damage it.
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I was on Amazon last night looking at LiPo chargers. Seems like you can get one that will discharge them for storage.
Just my 2 cents.👍
Thanks, yes I saw that you get such chargers and I even went to an RC hobby store to get one.... BUT wouldn't you know it, apparently the Daystate's style is completely incompatible with standard chargers and you need to know a bunch of technical stuff about this in order to choose the correc one. It's all so weird 😅
If its lipo. It should be store about 70-80% charge. If you store it 100% charge for a long time. Say for a year. It will puff up 2x the size and be damage. This is coming from someone who fly rc heli, drone, and rc trucks. There are chargers that will discharge them for storage. Or just used them till it is about 70-80%. How long do you plan to store your gun without using? If less than a 6-8 months you got nothing to worried. It's when you store them for a long time like a year that it will damage it.
Excellent , thanks for the info! Huge relief- im only storing for 4-6 weeks so I guess it will ne ok!