Daystate Regal also shoots the H&N slugs well


Jul 15, 2018
BC, Canada
Did a bit of testing with my Daystate Regal .22 and found out it only likes the H&N 20.2gr, .217 slugs.

Since I can't adjust the Reg and hammer spring of the Regal easily like my Impact, I was limited to shoot certain types of slugs. So I tried the lightest slugs, 17.5 - 23gr of both the NSA and H&N. The Walter barrel is choked and the feed was very tight with the .217 but surprisingly the H&N 20.2gr gave me the highest group of all. I was able to print a 1/4" hole with 5 shots group at 30 yards. My next test is to shoot at longer distance to see if this slug is "the One".
@soren. my Regal shoots the NSA 20.2gr .217 at 714fps. very slow but accurate enough for short ranges I guess. It wasn't my intention to shoot slugs with it anyway but just for kicks I tried the slugs and found its preference.

@cea. samples pack is the way to go to test which weight and size your gun will prefer. It is a lot of work, but hopefully finding the right pellet/slug will make your AG that much more consistent and accurate.