On behalf of Daystate America, I'd like to recognize the following Daystate Wolfpack shooters for their amazing results the last couple weeks in airgunning:
- Wes Crisp has been on fire over the last few weeks, with FOUR 1st Place wins in benchrest at the Phoenix Benchrest Invitational, the Cajun Classic in Louisiana, Rio Salado 75 yards, and Rio Salado 100 yards matches. All with his Daystate Red Wolf rifles amongst some serious competition at each event.
- Terry Clark battled his way to 2nd place at the new Ancient City Competition in Florida with his BRK World Record Ghost shooting 40gr Altaros slugs.
- Philip Hepler and his wife Lynda Hepler swept Hunter Class at the PHA Spring Classic Field Target GP with a solid 1st and 2nd Place with their Red Wolf and Ghost!
- At the same match, Otis Davis took 3rd Place in the challenging WFTF class, where this Grand Prix reflects on his US standings.
- Team Centercut member, Caleb Dickenson, won overall high score at his local AAFTA match in Oklahoma with his Daystate Revere Safari. Caleb also took 2nd place at the TEXstreme EFT Grand Prix.
Greg Glover took 1st place at the Phoenix airgun monthly match shooting 100 yard benchrest competition with a BRK Ghost .22 caliber 28" barrel with Altaros 40gr slugs
Good job Daystate shooters! If I missed anyone, or if you shot well with your Daystate or BRK recently, please comment below on this thread and share your results.
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