Is it possible to tune down a Stock 18fpe Regal XL to 12fpe? If so, I would appreciate a good link to an instructional video, article, or post. Many thanks.
@jking thanks, I did look around before posting here & had found that one already. I was hoping to order one from Daystate as a 12fpe from the factory, but they don’t make them any longer. Only the Revere.
@jking thanks, I did look around before posting here & had found that one already. I was hoping to order one from Daystate as a 12fpe from the factory, but they don’t make them any longer. Only the Revere.
Might take a look and makes sure there isn't a spacer on the end of the hammer spring that might be removed. We have a couple of stores in our town that have a good selection of springs that are pretty cheap. You might get lucky.