Dead Crows

I’m new to this forum and air rifles. I figured I would start somewhere. I got to work a few months ago when 4 crows landed in the back yard on some carrion .I grabbed Artemis m16a .22 was there. I hit the 1st crow at 65 yards and the other 3 flew up into the same tree even closer, like 50 yards. I shot a second one, ran the bolt, shot a third one and probably could’ve got the 4th one if I would’ve kept going to work. I was so surprised to have killed 3 in like 30 seconds that I let # 4 get away. I found 2 of them but by that time I had half a dozen ticks crawling on me and didn’t feel like scouring the multiflora rose and autumn olive brush to find #3.
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Thanks guys, I never could’ve done it with a .22 LR, unless it was suppressed…Each one kinda just flitted to the ground and didn’t make a noise. I think the rest thought they were flying down on purpose or something. That M16a is not very loud with the little moderator that comes on it. With a Donnyfl or something it would be even quieter I believe.
Bagging more than one within a few minutes is very hard. Usually after the 1st one is taking out the others are going crazy and stay away on very high perches looking for the culprit that took out their friend. I've seen 3 lookouts on different trees at 50+ yards after one of their friends fell terminally ill from lead poisoning. The others could have been taken out but risk of being seen by the lookouts and shots into high trees where safe backstops don't exist.
Just out of curiosity, after bagging the first three and the fourth flying away, did a bunch of other crows show up? The reason I ask is because a friend of mine shot at a crow when we were kids. (The grows had been getting into the garbage and making a huge mess.) Then, maybe an hour or two later, we noticed that the skies and trees overhead were filled with crows. It was like something out of a horror movie. Very spooky.
It didn’t happen this time but I have had a murder overhead after shooting just one. I also found an injured crow at a cottage I was building and I just picked it up as it perched on a long stick I was holding. While carrying it to safety the sky was full of very upset crows. (The homeowner was there and they wanted to save the thing) I had a video somewhere on an old phone, I wish I could find it and upload it.