Dealing with stuck pellet tin lids

I don't have a solution for these hard to open tins. I've dumped a couple when they suddenly decide to pop open. Very aggravating!! I've been saving any/all screw lid tins and I empty the press on lid tins into the screw lid tins as I go thru pellets. All the old press on lid tins are in a bag.... not sure what I'm saving them for. I've used some as targets but not any more, I've got plenty of targets in my backyard range.
Was considering trying some dry lube but as @Mike_Lenardon said, maybe I'll look into flattening some nibs!!
How do yod deal with this issue. I just had to use my vice to open a JSB .25 tin (had magazines in it)?
Maybe the .25 tins are different, but I've never had an issue with the JSB .177 and .22 tins. Was this an empty tin that you are using for magazine storage? You might try rubbing a little grease on the inner bearing surface of the lid. If a tin is dropped or otherwise banged around, I can see the lid getting slightly out of round, which could cause this problem, even if it is not visually perceptible. Another reason to buy from a merchant that packs them properly.
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Drill a 5/16 hole in the side through both the tin and the lid. Turn the lid so the holes line up and you can shake the pellets out one by one. Turn the lid so the holes are blocked to close it. Wax it up so it's not sticky. The wax helps to keep the lid from slipping off easily too.

BB shot for fishing sinkers come in a plastic dispenser similar to that. Twist the top to seal it up. Line up the holes to pour them out. I carry one in my pocket with a few pellets in it hunting. It works dandy.
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