How do yod deal with this issue. I just had to use my vice to open a JSB .25 tin (had magazines in it)?
The 3 things you need to know to be a plumberUse your finger nails and work your way around the tin until you get the right angle or get slight movement that allows the lid to come off.
If your finger nails are chewed off I bet you're not a plumber.
Or maybe you are?
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????Are you saying you had magazines in the tin? Also, where did you buy them.
This thread continues to fascinate. I have 16 open JSB .22 tins. I just removed and replaced the lid on each one. Pulls right off, pushes easily back on. With the tighter fits, I twist slightly as I pull it off, but no problem. I'm a 74 year old guy of average strength, so maybe I've just been lucky. However, I could sure use some advice on opening the current generation of many bottled waters! Now that's a challenge.
I'll take your word for it, but in over 20 years, and having both style tins, I have not experienced this problem. Dump your pellets in a bag and have a great Thanksgiving!JSB has 2 kinds of tins. One has some ridges and the other smooth.
The smooth ones fall off to easy. The ridged ones get stuck tight.
I think so many complained about the loose lids they tried to modify them to be more secure. It kinda worked.
I've always just squeezed the lid down hard on the tin and pulled them right off. But lots of guys stick them good trying to twist them off. If they are the slightest bit crooked and you try to torque it off it sticks them solid. If you squash things down straight again they usually slide right off. If you really twist hard they are tough to un stick.
Even if you have not experienced it I can assure you it happens. The more pliers, vices and torque you put on them the stucker they get. The only good way to unstuck them is to crush them down hard until the lid squares itself with the tin.
I'll take your word for it, but in over 20 years, and having both style tins, I have not experienced this problem. Dump your pellets in a bag and have a great Thanksgiving!
I must be the only guy to have never seen the "smooth style"?JSB has 2 kinds of tins. One has some ridges and the other smooth.
The smooth ones fall off to easy. The ridged ones get stuck tight.
I think so many complained about the loose lids they tried to modify them to be more secure. It kinda worked.
Same here. Are some of you using loctite when closing the lids???? LOLThis thread continues to fascinate. I have 16 open JSB .22 tins. I just removed and replaced the lid on each one. Pulls right off, pushes easily back on. With the tighter fits, I twist slightly as I pull it off, but no problem. I'm a 74 year old guy of average strength, so maybe I've just been lucky. However, I could sure use some advice on opening the current generation of many bottled waters! Now that's a challenge.
This thread continues to fascinate. I have 16 open JSB .22 tins. I just removed and replaced the lid on each one. Pulls right off, pushes easily back on. With the tighter fits, I twist slightly as I pull it off, but no problem. I'm a 74 year old guy of average strength, so maybe I've just been lucky. However, I could sure use some advice on opening the current generation of many bottled waters! Now that's a challenge.
Gonzo-sized rubber bands are much easier to operate!Use a neodymium magnets to keep them closed..