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Dear Retailers (AD) Words Matter

Minimum advertised price

An Industry ( not just airguns ) standard. Used to be 1 year some stuff if that changes I wouldn't know. 

MAP may also effect parts availability as in no "spare" ( they are reserved for warranty is a sometimes given reason) UNTIL the MAP on said model is over .




Minimum Advertised Price? Hmmm

Should I have known that?

It appears -- from the responses on another thread -- I'm not the only air gunner who had no idea what the acronym meant.

In the industry where in worked -- now retired -- MAP meant "Mean Arterial Pressure".

I view it as unethical for retailers to mislead potential customers with the ole "Bait and switch" game, while playing on our...ignorance(?) of the terminology.
 Live and learn, tis a good thing. 

While making the big $ with other map acronyms you've been dealing with minimum advertised price all your life. Ever buy current year modle speakers? How about a Car?

Now dont get too upset with the DEALER as they are only following the rules ( price ) as set by the MANUFACTURER . 

So none of you seem to be upset with the correct party. The dealer is not the issue ( well they want to continue selling the product so they play along and dont have to if they want to be dropped by the manufacturer which doesn't really help us in this situation) your favorite brand of the day is.

Do note this all relates to "Advertised" price. As in the "ad" with 14% off, they can NOT advertise a reduced price or _ incert you company name of choice here- will drop them.

They CAN sell at any price, just not advertise a lower than suggested price. It could well be that if you took all the time need to contact them ( any dealer) they might well discount the price but to stay in business they cant advertise it.

Now that we know pretty well every new on the market thing we buy is effected by "map" let's talk about tax ............. .


MAP? Seems some retailer are trying to get around NOT giving you a deal on a "Percentage off Sale:". MAP does NOT mean you can't sell the item for a cheaper price. It means just what the acronym stands for "Minimum ADVERTISED Pricing". Percent off Sales or Codes should in no way impact any MAP Pricing. If any seller told me this I would ask to see his contract with the manufacturer. I call BS on whatever seller is telling you this.