deer hunting

O deer.jpg
Well I hope no one with any thing. Would take the shot in bow hunters 73 picture. Shooting through limbs and grass is a bad idea no matter what your useing. Also your canting to the left lol. No offense intended just pointing out something a new hunter might not know.
I'd take that shot any day.
Zoom in and look. Only a couple stalks of grass. Not affecting a heavy and fast slug. The pic looks like more because it's fuzzy and a pic of a video.
The "cant", well I've taken many shots over the past four decades from funny angles. Sub-moa isn't needed at 25 yards on a deer. Deer come in where they aren't supposed to. Bowhunter73 dropped it in its tracks, hard to argue with the results.
what calibers are best? i have heard .25 and .30? is shot placement different than with a powder burner. i see youtube video's of guys shooting squirrels with 25-30 and they head shoot them?

If you want to do it right (Legal) and keep your hunting privileges, you will need to check your States' Regulations. Most states, like mine (Texas) require a minimum caliber (0.30 cal, min.), bullet weigth (150 gr, min.) , velocity (800 fps min.) and/or hence a min. power rating (250 ft-lbs), which pretty much nixes whitetail for me, but that's okay... because I've shot plenty in my lifetime. Not as good tasting as other options....

For shooting deer with an air rifle, I go after the non-indigenous species that are not affected by the Texas Regs; Axis deer, Fallow deer and Sika are plentiful in my neck of the woods. A 0.30 cal. Daystate and proper shot placement (immediately below and front of the ear) will drop'em like a limp noodle everytim; Dead on the spot.

Going for the heart or lungs isn't an option for me, and I personnally would not recommend this for air rifles. I don't like wounding or hurting the animal. Instant kill is the only way. WIth that said, shot placement is critical when hunting big game with an air rifle... (centerfire and rimfire too, but these are obviously more forgiving). Don't screw around, zero your gun and get a range finder. It's a must for serious air rifle hunting.
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i wouldn't go any lower then 357 with at least 200 fpe.. yes a 25 or 30 could do it but the risk is to high for something to go wrong. what u don't see on youtube or read about is all the bad shots people have taken before they got one good shot. in the woods poop happens nothing is perfect things will go wrong!! 357 will give you more room for error and 45 will be even better. i have taken more deer then most people with a airgun so i do know a little about this and im still learning something with every deer i shoot. DONT RISK IT JUST GET THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB