This is a global issue we're dealing with, being run by global decision makers. Lincoln saw what they were, tried to make America reliant on it's own money, the global entities removed him. The same for Kennedy, he saw what was going on, decided to back the dollar with silver certificates, one week later he was removed and the silver certificate was removed. The 3 wealthiest men in America refused to accept a central bank. They went down to the bottom of the ocean,1 yr later in 1913 the federal reserve was created. Every country but 3 has a Rothchild run central bank, all central banks answer to one main bank, the BIS.
Odd conicidence that every country that ever refused to give in to accepting a central bank had a major war and shortly after a central bank came in. Iraq refused to give their bank over, we invaded, and viola, a Rothchild central bank shows up.
You can do your own research and you'll find that any country that ever tried getting away from using the petrodollar quickly had a new leader installed.
You're only seeing the surface, the parts you were taught in school, the parts the news tells you to believe but far from the reality of what is going on.
I know you have the ideas they taught you of why we went from a gold backed dollar by Nixon and started a 'fiat' currency system where we could litterally 'print' unlimited paper which is now worthless, it was a plan, not a conspiracy. I also know you won't believe me when I tell you America has lost world reserve currency status but you're about to be shown on a global scale. The Only reason we had it this long is due to the petrodollar which came from an agreement with Saudi Arabia, if they would agree to sell oil strictly in dollars we'll protect them. That contract has been broken and Saudi has now made the same deal with Russia, completely burying the dollars strength.
If you haven't noticed, the world is now dividing into two financial systems, our antiquated Swift system and China's more advanced cip system. Russia has defaulted on it's loan to us, they're bringing gold back into the financial game (why do you think the G7 just banned Russian gold imports).
This is a global financial control game, Russia, China, Brazil, India, South Africa aren't playing the corrupt game anymore. Others are joining them.
If we aren't in WW3 by end of year I'll be surprised. Nato just announced they're going from 40K to 300K troops on high alert, the top general running the Uk part just stated even civilians will be called upon to help shed blood. As soon as Russia moves to take out the illegal blockade Lithuania was forced to do against Russia, every nato country has been ordered to attack Russia, if Russia doesn't make a military move then I'm confident a 'false flag' will take place in more than likely here in America which Russia will be blamed for and the 30 nato countries will be called into action.
You're going to have to open your mind and understand, what you believe to be, isn't the way you think it is.