I bought myself a Diana Stormrider .177 2 weeks back. The grouping with lighter pellets esp with .10 grain really sucks. alongwith with 2-3 flyers for every 6 or 7 pellets shot. The grouping drastically improves with 13.10 grain. But still 1-2 flyers every now and then. Is the fps/velocity on my gun too high? If that's the case the gun is regulated, and i don't know at what bar/pressure because it's not specified by the manufacturer.
Any help/explanation on how to fix this would be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Note: The accuracy becomes gradually better as the air pressure drops to about 15 bar.
Any help/explanation on how to fix this would be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Note: The accuracy becomes gradually better as the air pressure drops to about 15 bar.