Did I over fill my Avenger?

I'll just post this here...
So I just filled my Avenger right to the red put it in its usual place and something inside popped and emptied the tank. Someone please help.There is a safety part, the BURST DISC, which is set to "burst" at 6000 psi (lets all air out until you replace it). I've had one "burst" at 4500 prematurely. I suggest contacting Stacey at Air Venturi and ask for a new 6K burst disk.
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I contacted Air Venturi. They are sending me a replacement 6K burst disc under warranty,. I will order a couple more replacements discs online, once I know the right part number. They are a standard size and thread, apparently. I see them for sale on the Walmart website!
I think that my mistake was filling my wood stock Avenger with air to the max 300 Bar in a cold garage and then storing the gun over night in my warmer car.
I also have an Avenge-X Classic. I will check the burst disc pressure required for that gun, also.

These guns are really accurate as well as easy to set up and work on!!