Did you know a Hatsan could do this? (Factor RC first groups)


Hey guys, Here are the first 2 groups I shot at 35 and 50 yards with the new factory regulated Factor RC (Regulated Carbon). Awesome gun! …more info here: https://hatsan.com.tr/product/factor-rc/

5 shots 35 yards 


5 shots at 51 yards


Those are just the first groups I shot (from my review video), not the "best" groups of the day…those were the "only" groups of the day. (besides sighting the gun in.) 

That is just the "out of the box" tune. It also has externally adjustable hammer spring, transfer port, and regulator. Cool tensioned barrel system too.





Happy shooting! -Nate @ Airgun Channel
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aeac shot the hatsan airmax and shot a group half that size at 50 yards it did .31" center to center, and it's not regulated.So wat you have there is not impressive. Get up on you tube and see what there 42 flb 680 dollar gun can do.What you have there is a little weak..I'd rather get the air max and a regulator .I have one and it shoots a ragged hole at fifty . Maybe your barrels dirty.
Thats my version of an impact .Has fx heavy liner 25 cal 700mm,shoots 38.5 nielson slug 1010 fps .1/4 inch center to center.It's regulated ,gear train all had to be upgraded.I have an impact quality gun ,and i don't have to pull a lever it's semi or full auto.You can put ten slugs in this guns mag select full auto ,let them fly and the group will be tighter than that gun.Anyone who has one of these knows how good it shots stock with pellets.Do not shot slugs out of a stock gun you will break the slide and the gearand they will know how it happened and will not cover it

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Did you run that over a chrony yet? 

It looked to me like their power numbers are a little low, I would expect more power.

Yes, I think it was only around 900 FPS. 

Not bad!, but let's see that at 100yrds!

That's for sure. I hope it doesn't fall apart at 75 yards! 

do not mess with it. great shots.

My thoughts exactly. I'm not one to "tune" guns if I don't have to. I definitely won't be touching any dials on that gun...except maybe the transfer port (3 settings).