My new HW95L was dieseling caused by over oiling/greasing by the factory. Excellent info on this forum and erratic POI indicated that I needed to correct this problem. Chrono #s indicated FPS was also swinging about 75 FPS. I installed an ARH kit with a Vortek seal along with a through clean/polish of the internals. I also used GPL-205, Krytox lube which is known as non-dieseling. The rifle averages about 17 FPE with 14.66 gr FTT pellets and the accuracy has returned while the FPS varies about 10/12 over 10 shots. This is the old seal that shows the damage caused by dieseling. I cannot detect any smoke coming from the shot cycle now and this is after about 8K shots with the ARH kit. The GPL-205 lube is expensive but IMO it is well worth the cost.