Difficulty Shooting Paper Targets

This question is going to sound crazy, but hopefully someone here has an answer. For some reason I have issues shooting paper targets. If I put the crosshairs on a paper target at 20 yards I am unable to keep the crosshairs steady, shoot 2" 10 shot groups on papaer. I have this issue when shooting off a rest or in a seated field target position. I can see the cross hairs moving a good 2" on the target, explains the large groups. I originally thought it was an issue with my shooting position. However, if i put the cross hairs on a 1\10 scale metal chicken silhouette target, same distance, same gun, same shooting location/position. The cross hairs are still and I can hit the chicken silhouette 10 for 10.
You need to close your eyes, breathe and establish a natural point of aim. Let your breath completely out and open your eyes, wherever the crosshairs are at this point is where the shot is going to go. You need to move your position from your base and repeat until on target, simply pushing the rifle on target will not do it, especially if it is a recoiling rifle.
Ray dont feel alone. I am terrible at paper targets and pretty darn good at reactive targets and hunting. I only shoot paper now when sighting in and make sure im alone due to profanity. I believe it is like "white coat syndrome". Meaning as soon as i see a doctor my blood pressure goes up. Lol. Paper stresses me and i try too hard to be accurate. I stare tooo long waiting to be perfect which makes my scope zig zag. If i really am in a zen mood i can shoot a few groups but thats it. Good luck
The gun is a Weihrauch HW30.
Scope is a Leapers/UTG True Hunter 4x32 AO.

The distance is always 20 yards. The 1\10 scale metal chicken silhouette is sitting right next to the paper target. Same gun, same shooting position. It's weird, if I settle in on the paper target, no way I can keep the crosshairs steady. They weave and wander like I'm drunk. Settle in on the 1\10 scale metal chicken right next to the paper target, cross hairs are steady. This is before I even take the shot.

I can hit the metal chicken at least 9 out of 10, usually 10 for 10, almost can't miss. On the paper target, I shoot a two inch group, two inches is about how much the crosshairs wander on the paper target.

I can't figure it out, it's seems like a focus/concentration issue on the paper? Maybe it's like one of those graphics that looks like it's moving? Something about the target printed on the white paper, a contrast issue? Don't know.

One thing is for sure, if I was really shooting a two inch group, no way I would hit the metal chicken as regularly as I do. My luck is not that good! Something else is going on, I just can't figure out what.
I feel you, buddy. I have much harder time shooting paper than other targets. I get myself tied up into knots trying to get hole on hole, and each shot that does not, makes me try harder and harder.

Last week I was shooting post it notes stapled on the diagonal to half sheet of printer paper. I draw an X from corner to corner with a Sharpie. I shoot the center first, then move on to trying to clip the corners off the note with a pellet. I was not successful to my level of expectations, so I moved on to shoot the stapels instead. Presto! I hit the staples from 30 yards when i could not hit the Sharpie marks.

Aim small, miss small!
I am no expert but had the similar case with my scopes. Maybe it could be a parallax issue?? Dont go with the marking on the scope and have a look and make sure the crosshair is locking solid on poi. I always look left right up and down thru scope when I adjust AO. If not lock, poi can shift based on your view positions . Just a thought and I only shoot paper.
For me it has to do with the way you see the target. When I see the little dot of a hole I think "look how small it is", and I have to really focus to hold still enough to have a chance at hitting that tiny thing. But when I look at the reactive target, the whole thing is target and I think "look how BIG it is. So I go from aiming at a 2-5mm dot to a 50mm kill zone on the reactive target.

When you are aiming at the reactive targets, do you think your site is still? If so, you should be able to shoot pellet on pellet. 

Paper targets have always been an issue for me. I think for me, it is the difference between a boring target (paper), and an interesting target (just about anything else). Even a fly on the paper brightens my day and encourages willful concentration. I do however realize the value of paper shooting. Yes, sighting in is important, but if the group looks like a pattern instead of a group, that is very pertinent information, and that gun is not going to the squirrel woods with me. Target interest is a great motivator for good shooting, and is part of the sport just as is target boredom. However, tight groups are encouraging and worth pursuing.
What I do

relax those shoulders, let them drop to a natural relaxed position. 

Focus us on the cross hair and not the target

Take three deep breaths. On the third, let the air go out the lungs to the equilibrium point. Ie wher you would have to push to get more air out. 

Squeeze the shot shot and follow through. Imagine the shot going through and beyond. 

Hope that helps. 
It’s similar to Target Panic that some folks have problems with when shooting Archery, they can shoot 3-D targets all day long but when it comes to paper they have difficulty hitting the bullseye it can also go the other way as in they can stack arrows all day long on paper but when it comes to 3-D targets they struggle to hit vitals. The same goes for shooters, a person can hit a pop can at 100 yards all day but can’t shoot 1” groups at 50 yards. 

Look up Target Panic.
I had an interesting problem today. I shot 75 rounds, 15 per target. The Florida sun got hotter and hotter. I was getting more shaky all the time. Turns out I had low blood sugar. I checked it when I was done shooting.

1st target
1525573201_1122842105aee66519d0861.32377057_18-05-05, .177BB, 01, 10-ft, 15-Rds, 2-Hand.jpg

Later shaky target
1525573297_1316553815aee66b107db33.84801771_18-05-05, .177BB, 04, 10-ft, 15-Rds, 1-Hand.jpg