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Results DIFTA Match Report Saturday, March 22, 2025

We had a great turnout of 14 shooters for the first match of the season at DIFTA. It was a nearly perfect spring day, with temps starting in the low 40s, climbing to low 60s at the match end. The match started off in perfect calm, with some variable light wind developing close to the end. All Divisions were well represented including the supposedly defunct Open Division.

The course was 10 lanes, with one kneeling and one offhand lane, with three targets per lane shot twice. The Troyer value for the course was 28.66 (Moderate Difficulty AAFTA 2025 handbook); with five targets > 40T, four targets with 0.375”or 0.5” kill zones and nine targets set out at > 40 yards.

We had one sticky target on lane 2 that initially worked well but later failed to fall despite clear hits on the paddle, so everyone got 2 points for that.

The match high score of 52/60 was shared by Mark King in WFTF and Mark Mayer in Open with Tom Strong leading the Hunter Division very closely followed by Scott Broom. Chris Schissler unfortunately arrived with his rifle tuned for varmint hunting and was not able to dial it down to be compliant with AAFTA limits.

Mark KingWalther DominatorMarch 8-80Air Arms 8.4WFTFPCP52
Keith WaltersThomasMarch 8-80JSB 8.4WFTFPCP47
Ted AndroThomasFalcon x 50JSBWFTFPCP45
Hector MedinaCCA D-54VC 6-30 x56 FFPQYS 8.49WFTFPiston42
Mike BeyerleHW 97KElement HelixHN BFT 9.57WFTFPiston33
Mark MayerThomas CarbineSightron 10-50 x 60FX 13.4OpenPCP52
Brian Van LiewHW97KNikko DiamondJSB 8.44OpenPiston47
Tinh NguyenAnschutz 2002Sightron 10-50 x 60FX 10.34OpenPCP45
Tobias MorrisAlpha WolfSightron S8JSB 10.3OpenPCP25
Chris SchisslerFX MaverickMCT 5-35x56FX 10.3OpenPCPDNF
Tom StrongFX CrownSightronH&N 10.65HunterPCP47
Scott BroomMarauderAthalon 14xAA 16HunterPCP46
David FloydFX dreamlineAztec 5-25x50JSB 13.4HunterPCP43
Brian WagnerWalther LGUAeon 8-32AA FT 8.44HunterPiston39
As always, many thanks to those who travel long distances to compete and keep our sport alive

Mark Mayer acted as match Director.

The next match at DIFTA will be held on Saturday April 19.
A few pics from the match



