Figured I'd share a little info on my Disco experience. Bought this Benjamin Discovery a while back from Norm at Disco's R US. He had some refurbs on sale for $180.00
When I got her she was shooting about 15 FPE, wouldn't group worth a crap and only got around 16 shots or less before POI started to drop. Bought a $50 TKO to quiet her down and groups seemed to be worse with it?
Had my friend Paul ( AKA Strikefast ) install a Lane regulator for me. This involved taking the pressure gauge out of the rifle as the regulator took up the room where the gauge block was located. I must confess I miss having the pressure gauge if nothing more than having a good visual in case of an air leak? But, so far, so good without it.
With the regulator installed and FPE lowered to roughly 9.5 foot pounds, I now get over 40 good shots before noticeable POI drop. And that's with a single air tube!
OK now I have a nice respectable shot count with a 2000 psi fill, and found it was easy to Hand pump from 1000 psi to 2000 psi with only 30 to 40 strokes being needed to top her off. So, I was thinking this rifle would make the perfect loaner to get newbies interested (hooked/addicted) to PCP airguns? Only problem is she still grouped like $hit?
I had heard on the forums about adding a second barrel band and figured I would try it? Holy Sheeeeeee Hight...was that the trick!!!!!! Now I have a nice loaner that is accurate and has a decent shot count and easy for a newbie to hand pump at only 30 to 40 strokes!!!!
I put one barrel band tight against the stock forearm and the other about 3.75 to 4 inches back from the end of the barrel. Now adding the TKO made it impossible to put the fill cap back on, but I found a nice rubber nipple in my junk drawer that seemed to get the job done for me. Can't remember what it was on originally or where it came from?
Anyway I zeroed her at only 20 yds as I have no plans to shoot much past 30 yds with her. Pics below
In the beginning

Now with TKO and two barrel bands

Close up of TKO and Fill nipple cover and barrel band
Forgot to mention I have a rubber o-ring snugged up behind the barrel band to help with keeping the barrel centered as it free floats in this band.

Targets self explanitory. It was windy and at only 9.5 FPE, the wind has quite an affect on it
Yellow dots measure 1/4 inch to help show center to center of group

Waited for the wind to die down

When I got her she was shooting about 15 FPE, wouldn't group worth a crap and only got around 16 shots or less before POI started to drop. Bought a $50 TKO to quiet her down and groups seemed to be worse with it?
Had my friend Paul ( AKA Strikefast ) install a Lane regulator for me. This involved taking the pressure gauge out of the rifle as the regulator took up the room where the gauge block was located. I must confess I miss having the pressure gauge if nothing more than having a good visual in case of an air leak? But, so far, so good without it.
With the regulator installed and FPE lowered to roughly 9.5 foot pounds, I now get over 40 good shots before noticeable POI drop. And that's with a single air tube!
OK now I have a nice respectable shot count with a 2000 psi fill, and found it was easy to Hand pump from 1000 psi to 2000 psi with only 30 to 40 strokes being needed to top her off. So, I was thinking this rifle would make the perfect loaner to get newbies interested (hooked/addicted) to PCP airguns? Only problem is she still grouped like $hit?
I had heard on the forums about adding a second barrel band and figured I would try it? Holy Sheeeeeee Hight...was that the trick!!!!!! Now I have a nice loaner that is accurate and has a decent shot count and easy for a newbie to hand pump at only 30 to 40 strokes!!!!
I put one barrel band tight against the stock forearm and the other about 3.75 to 4 inches back from the end of the barrel. Now adding the TKO made it impossible to put the fill cap back on, but I found a nice rubber nipple in my junk drawer that seemed to get the job done for me. Can't remember what it was on originally or where it came from?
Anyway I zeroed her at only 20 yds as I have no plans to shoot much past 30 yds with her. Pics below
In the beginning

Now with TKO and two barrel bands

Close up of TKO and Fill nipple cover and barrel band
Forgot to mention I have a rubber o-ring snugged up behind the barrel band to help with keeping the barrel centered as it free floats in this band.

Targets self explanitory. It was windy and at only 9.5 FPE, the wind has quite an affect on it
Yellow dots measure 1/4 inch to help show center to center of group

Waited for the wind to die down