Disco rebuild help?

Other day I decided to dig my .22 discovery out to do a bit of pesting. At least that was my plan. The POI is now all over the place, and after a chrony test today I discovered it was under 800fps at 753 for the first shot I got it to read, and 735 for the second. This is of course after I shot my chrony.

So it looks like I'm going to be tearing it down to reseal everything. Anyone else with some disco experience know of anything else I should look for while I'm giving it a once over?
While you got it apart you might want to look into some mods offered by DiscosRus. Normand mentioned a 40 fpe valve, also he offers a 3000 psi fill. I believe it's a screw upgrade from 8's to a 10 that's counter sunk and enables a 3000 psi fill. Look into the Bstaley hammer spring tune. Bob Cothran and BNM both offer aftermarket breeches, and risers that allow the use of a shroud, or another barrel as compared to the 7/16" stock disco. Without going the double tube route, you'll never get the shot count of a Marauder. I think the lighter weight is very desirable for carrying, and shooting off hand without support. Think about the trigger the 3 screw mod, or a gen 1 Marauder with the shim. also DiscosRus.
I think you are looking for answers to a leak and not mods that can be done.

If so, first I would check to make sure the O-ring on the bolt/probe is intact and not missing. Lube it with some silicon grease (available in the plumbing department of your local Lowe's or Home Depot) If you aren't familiar, you can do the tissue test. A piece of tissue covering the breech area when shooting will detect a leak in that area.

Additionally, my .22 Disco will vary if the bolt isn't all the way down when I shoot. I use a simple rubber band around the bolt handle and the trigger guard to insure that it's down when shooting. Some people actually peen the action a little to make it stiffer and not prone to popping up when shot. 

The fill probe is also prone to corrosion but you can check that area after filling using soapy water. 

Hope this is what you are looking for and that it helps.
For now the only mod I might consider is an extended bolt probe if I can find one. So far with soap spray I haven't found any leak at the fill port, but when I get some time off from work I'm going to get the stock off and check for a leak at the gauge. I'll be doing the tissue test when I can get setup where I know that no air from any of the air vents around here can disturb it.

I won't be going completely blind into this reseal job since I've tinkered around with a 1377 in the past.
It was a fight, no doubt about it. Stripped the front breech screw. Got it out and in good enough shape again to get it back out again when a replacement arrives. One of the seals on the gauge port wasn't in to great of shape, and same went for the valve port seal. Once it was back together I soap bubbled it and didn't detect any leaks.

So looks like I get to scope it back in and chrony it again.