Discovery HD 2-12X24 SFIR FFP. A little experiment.

Hey Alan, 😊

⬛ I would agree with your first statement — it is difficult to FIND scopes with 10 yard parallax.
Because hardly any scope seller has the parallax as a filter option! 😖
So, you have to look at every scope that fits your magnification and price range — just to check if it complies with your parallax range. 🤷🏻‍♂️

🟩 And I am happy to be able to tell you that your second statement might not be correct! 😊👍🏼👍🏼
I have gone over the specs of a thousand scopes (and then some).
And I have found many options with 10y parallax — over 230 of them. 😊👍🏼

✳️ With a healthy dose of OCD I assembled 3 Scope Specs Tables with 29 specs for each scope —
for easy side-by-side comparison.
All with 10y parallax (some 15y).
➠ Let me know if you're interested (and which magnification range).

Cheers, 😊

Ive studied your tables, and should re-examine your work.....
The amount of effort you put into this data base, is extraordinary!
Thank you!
5 stars!

View attachment -SCOPE Specs Table. For 4-16x or 3-18x or 4-20x Scopes.pdf

View attachment -SCOPE Specs Table. For 6-24x (5-25x) or 5-30x or 4-20x (1).pdf
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No Bugbuster's here, but a similar smallish scope by Vector and a Discovery, but with bigger front aperture lenses. It did get a side by side comparison to a DiscoveryOpt HD 3-12X44. The only noticable difference between the two are a bit more light transmission at dark for the bigger apertured scopes along with a bigger field of view. These differences were as expected with the smaller front lense.
You said you have vector, I wonder if this scope is from the Veyron series. I have the Vector Optics Veyron 4-16x44FFP, but I can't get used to this scope. At 4x, the sight is too thin. You cannot use it below 8x, so there is no point in lowering the scope to 4x. By the way, the fish eye effect is quite noticeable. I would like to sell it. I want to buy Discovery HD 2-12X24, obviously the reticle is much clearer, so what do you think about the lens quality? Do you think it is better?
If any of you have this scope and also have the Veyron series of Vector Optics, I would like to hear your comments, which one do you think is better and why?
I would buy a third one of the Discovery HD 2-12×24 scopes before another Vector Veyron 3-12×44, based on factory direct sales and quality, reticle choice and size, overall size, and value for the money. There's a little less light transmission on the 24mm front lense versus the 44mm but it is negligible for the use. With both scope's at minimum power, the reticle of the Discovery HD is much bigger and easier to see and use. The Vector, at all ranges is smaller and thinner.
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OP, is this little guy still attached to your EVOL .30 or have you moved on?
Nope I have not put anything else on there. Of all my scopes, even the high end models with the same features, I like these little Discovery scopes for their same features. They are also much lighter. Because I'm not looking at shooting the Evol's out past a couple hundred yards these scopes don't have to be as cristal clear as the high end scopes either, but they are pretty good glass nonetheless.
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