Crosman Discovery

'does not cock' meaning the the bolt will not go back or meaning when you cock it, the sear doesnt engage?

Try switching stocks and see if there is a difference. Will tell you if that you may may need to tighten the stock down more to engage that trigger group with the body and get the sear to engage. I dont recall if it was a Disco or another gun where that for whatever reason, I failed to have the trigger group secure enough to get sear engagement when cocking. Easy fix, after figuring out the cause.
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The bolt for some reason will not move more than 1/4in. Hammer moves as should. It was working, although I thought it a little rough after some run in time. Update; cocked via the bolt slot with an Allen key and this set the sear. When trigger blade was tripped just an audible click was heard. When I topped it off last time and bled the tank whip air was escaping from pressure tube. That is not normal either. Granted it has been shelved for a long time.
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