DNT Optics ThermNight TNC225R

Mine arrived today, and I've been playing around with it for a couple of hours, both day and night. Here are my first thoughts:

Positive Aspects:​

  • Packaging: Nice and secure.
  • Accessories: Surprised to find 2 batteries and a charger included. There was no mention of this in the description.
  • Design: It’s a nice-looking unit.
  • Shipping: Arrived quickly.

Areas for Improvement:​

While there are many good things about this unit, some areas need attention. These issues should be fixable with updates, a better manual, and some quality YouTube videos from DNT Optics. Overall, better documentation is needed.


  • Menu Functions: The manual fails to describe many menu functions. For example, "Thermal Hotspot Tracking" could use a one-sentence explanation.
  • App Connection: There’s no information on connecting to the app or why you might want to use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or both. The app's FAQ under the Profile tab helps with Wi-Fi setup, but a tutorial at startup would have been helpful.
  • Video Recording: Not well explained. I discovered that in manual mode, one tap on the video button records 10 seconds before and after. Holding the button starts a longer recording. No mention of what Loop Recording is.
  • IR Type Selection: The manual only says to select the type of torch, with both options being 850. It doesn't clarify whether I have L or V.


  • FAQ Location: The FAQ is hidden under the Profile tab. Figuring out the Wi-Fi password took some time—it’s in the FAQ.
  • Video File Deletion: Video files don't seem to delete from the device when selected. You should be able to select multiple files or have a delete-all option.
  • Menu Access: I haven't been able to use the app to access the menu or do the zeroing. It only mirrors what I see on the unit.

UI Experience:​

  • Screen Focus: The screen isn't completely in focus. To see the time or menu items, I have to manipulate the device. It would be better to hide the icons and time, bringing them up only when needed or during video recording.
  • LRF Reading: The font size for readings is too small and hard to see.
  • DNT Icon: The DNT icon in the lower left corner is unnecessary. It would be better as a watermark on videos.
  • Time Display: The time is set in AM/PM but displays in 24-hour format. Consistency in format would be better.
  • Date Logging: The date is only logged in the app for video sorting, not on the screen for recorded videos.
  • Date and Time Accuracy: After connecting to the app, the date was off by a few days, and the time was off by about 20 minutes. This might be due to the phone losing internet connection when connected to the device.
  • Focus Adjustments: It's challenging to keep everything in focus when scanning. Day/night adjustment is manageable with a lever, but adjusting the thermal focus is difficult as it blocks the day/night and IR light with your hand.

Seeking Advice:​

If you’ve read this far, maybe someone can help me with this. I’m new to air rifles and scopes, so I might be doing something wrong. At 15 yards, using the included 0 MOA mount on top of a 1/2 low profile riser on my Notos, I couldn’t adjust the Y low enough to set 0 accurately. I don’t have much space to shoot over 15 yards, which might be the issue. I’m also shooting under regulated pressure, as my dive tank is down to around 12-1300 psi. I ultimately want to raise the scope for more comfort. Not sure if sticking with the 35 MOA mount or at least having the option would have been better.

Overall Impressions:​

First day impressions are positive. I like it and look forward to exploring its features more. I hope my compressor arrives in a few days so I can start shooting at regulated pressure. I’m also waiting on more riser options, as the current setup only allows the use of the single-shot tray. I need to figure out the zeroing—perhaps a 20 MOA riser will help. We shall see.

Excellent write up, thank you!

To DIY your 0MOA mount into an XX MOA one, simply buy some M5x8x0.2mm and/or x0.3mm rings from Amazon or Aliexpr, and put one (or more) as shim(s) at the aftmost screw point of the scope.
0.319mm height of shim gives you 20MOA, and 0.55mm is 35MOA. (I use 2 0.2mm shims under my Zulus and that works fine for all my setups (among which the Notos is too)
My honest opinion of this scope: If you are knowingly buying this scope as having the 1024x768 display, and your main use is as a night scope, you will likely be happy with it. Personally, I was wanting it for a day and night scope, as I have the Zulus, and the Zulus with the 1920x1080 display serves well for that purpose. There is a very obvious difference (to me) with the displays on these two scopes. This was the first thing that I noticed when I powered it up, which led me to the spec discrepancy on the website.

Kudos for the manufacturer to fix the website error as soon as they realized the error. I'm sure most will be happy with this scope and it's features at this price range. I have been debating for a few days as to whether to keep or return it. It's nice to know that the manufacturer is pushing customer satisfaction. I think I will wait for hopefully a release with a higher resolution display. After trying many digital/night scopes out, my eyes prefer at least a 1920x1080 display if using during the day.
Thank you for the honest writeup! I would have gotten it, thinking it has the exact same visual display quality as the Zulus, (and as you say perfect for day use) but with the reduced pixel display size, I’m reconsidering… (I think I will rather pay double and be happier with a higher res screen AND a higher res thermal sensor…)
Excellent write up, thank you!

To DIY your 0MOA mount into an XX MOA one, simply buy some M5x8x0.2mm and/or x0.3mm rings from Amazon or Aliexpr, and put one (or more) as shim(s) at the aftmost screw point of the scope.
0.319mm height of shim gives you 20MOA, and 0.55mm is 35MOA. (I use 2 0.2mm shims under my Zulus and that works fine for all my setups (among which the Notos is too)
Thank you for that advice. I have a 20 moa riser arriving tomorrow, but if I need to fine tune I'll look at that route. The day/night lens sits much higher on the thermal compared to the non thermal... Maybe they built in some pitch to help align the thermal and day/night, but either way I maxed out the reticle zero to the bottom and still my shots were off 2.5 moa? on the reticle. And ideally I'd like to get the eye cup up, as well as need to make clearance for the magazine, which I think will only make it worse for shooting inside 25 yards.
While waiting for my air compressor and some other accessories, I went out to scan my yard for rats last night.

The pictures are screen grabs from some video taken with the scope. I was scanning brush that ranged from 15 to 25 yards away. Due to this, some of the focus is not perfect. The rats like to keep moving and hardly stayed in one spot. Trying to hold the Notos unsupported and focus both the thermal and the NV is quite challenging. Once the thermal is close, it's good enough to quickly find them. The thermal is very sensitive to focus, but it's not really that important to get it perfect. Even on the NV side, I hardly touched it once it was mostly in focus for the area I was scanning.

The biggest issue I encountered was that I hadn't zeroed both optics yet, so my thermal and NV were not aligned. Having them aligned will make tracking much easier.

I was on the fence about whether the thermal, which is twice the price of the Zulus, was worth it, especially considering the lower resolution. After using it last night, I'd say it's 100% worth it if your primary use is at night. It was easy to quickly switch between NV and the thermal, and spotting rats was quick. I spotted rats and some mice that I doubt I'd ever have seen even if it had been daylight, as some were behind leaves and only gave brief glimpses of their eyes reflecting from the IR, even though they were very visible on the thermal. Scanning at 5x to cover 15 to 25 yards into brush would be very slow, especially when the rats are moving about. But with the thermal at 3x, scanning was very quick and the rats lit up. I was actually going to get the 3x12 unit since my shooting will be closer. I'm glad I didn't as I am finding the 5x20 to be very nice when paired with the 3x thermal for the scanning.

The thermal is kept at 3x, and the NV next to it is after switch to the NV and zooming in.


VideoCapture_20240731-013112.jpgVideoCapture_20240731-012933.jpg These 2 were from a few minutes apart, included as examples.
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Excellent write up, thank you!

To DIY your 0MOA mount into an XX MOA one, simply buy some M5x8x0.2mm and/or x0.3mm rings from Amazon or Aliexpr, and put one (or more) as shim(s) at the aftmost screw point of the scope.
0.319mm height of shim gives you 20MOA, and 0.55mm is 35MOA. (I use 2 0.2mm shims under my Zulus and that works fine for all my setups (among which the Notos is too)

20 MOA Riser from UTG did the trick..
When you say the screen is out of focus is it becuase the eye cup is obstructing the the screen? If not have you adjusted the rear diopter until the letters and numbers are clear? I will attach quick clip below of how you can select multiple videos to delete. The 24hr clock bugs me too and I have brought that up in the past. The menu access on the Thermnight is just a screen mirror this was a general instruction that included the zulus which does allow menu interaction. So wifi will be used to screen mirror and check for firmware update, while Bluetooth will be used to send over the ballistic data. Bluetooth connection is done in the app not your phone settings. The other concerns and comments are greatly appreciated and I have forwarded it to the team. If there are any other questions feel free to reach out and I will help.

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When you say the screen is out of focus is it becuase the eye cup is obstructing the the screen? If not have you adjusted the rear diopter until the letters and numbers are clear? I will attach quick clip below of how you can select multiple videos to delete. The 24hr clock bugs me too and I have brought that up in the past. The menu access on the Thermnight is just a screen mirror this was a general instruction that included the zulus which does allow menu interaction. So wifi will be used to screen mirror and check for firmware update, while Bluetooth will be used to send over the ballistic data. Bluetooth connection is done in the app not your phone settings. The other concerns and comments are greatly appreciated and I have forwarded it to the team. If there are any other questions feel free to reach out and I will help.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I've been only using the scope in wither B/W or Thermal - so these comments pertain to those viewing modes

- I have adjusted the rear diopter, I just find that if I get the reticle perfectly sharp, the menu items up top or time bottom right, are a bit out of focus, still readable just not perfectly clear. It's not a big deal there but the main one I have concerns with is the LRF reading - Hopefully they can update that to allow different color to match the reticle and/or increase the size, I wouldn't even mind a rather large semi transparent pop up while actively taking a reading, then shrinks back when you lock that in.

- Thank you for pointing out how to delete the videos - Generally a long press would activate that, but the menu button will do. Deleting videos on the list page is working . However when playing a video that is on the device, the delete button in the upper right corner does not delete the video. Local files will delete when in the play mode. Another bug, when editing a file in the slow, there is 1x,2x,3x,4x, these do not seem to do anything, 2x is highlighted. I have a s24U and so far I have only managed to get one clip to process in slow, I get the processing wheel and eventually just have to force close the app after minutes of nothing. I just tried a 5 second trimmed clip to process into slow, and it just spins. Not sure why one clip worked, and now nothing.

I did figure out the Wifi / Bluetooth thing - I read the blog post on their website regarding the Zulus HD, and just assumed features of the Zulus would carry over to the new to market Thermnight, it's strange to me that those features would not be the same across both.

Other than that, I got both optics zerod in after having to use a 20moa mount. Overall very satisfied.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I've been only using the scope in wither B/W or Thermal - so these comments pertain to those viewing modes

- I have adjusted the rear diopter, I just find that if I get the reticle perfectly sharp, the menu items up top or time bottom right, are a bit out of focus, still readable just not perfectly clear. It's not a big deal there but the main one I have concerns with is the LRF reading - Hopefully they can update that to allow different color to match the reticle and/or increase the size, I wouldn't even mind a rather large semi transparent pop up while actively taking a reading, then shrinks back when you lock that in.

- Thank you for pointing out how to delete the videos - Generally a long press would activate that, but the menu button will do. Deleting videos on the list page is working . However when playing a video that is on the device, the delete button in the upper right corner does not delete the video. Local files will delete when in the play mode. Another bug, when editing a file in the slow, there is 1x,2x,3x,4x, these do not seem to do anything, 2x is highlighted. I have a s24U and so far I have only managed to get one clip to process in slow, I get the processing wheel and eventually just have to force close the app after minutes of nothing. I just tried a 5 second trimmed clip to process into slow, and it just spins. Not sure why one clip worked, and now nothing.

I did figure out the Wifi / Bluetooth thing - I read the blog post on their website regarding the Zulus HD, and just assumed features of the Zulus would carry over to the new to market Thermnight, it's strange to me that those features would not be the same across both.

Other than that, I got both optics zerod in after having to use a 20moa mount. Overall very satisfied.
I will definitely bring this up with them about the LRF options, Thank you for your feedback and I will get this information to tech side for a look on the editing and deleting info. For the difference between the devices things have changed since the first launch of the zulus and trying to sort all the different functions out. I try and read all the concerns and help if I can. If there is any suggestions or things anyone has I can't promise it will change but I will take that info and tell them.

Glad the 20moa sorted it would enjoy seeing a picture of it set up.
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It’s unfortunate that these are not available in retail stores. I use thermal and IR regularly, and LOVE the concept of this dual unit. I have zero issue with any of the technical specs, and would buy one tomorrow if I could put one in my hands and see if it passes the eye test.

But it seems like they’re releasing it before the bugs are truly worked out, and asking folks to pay $1k+ to be a Beta Tester. Software updates can only go so far…

I think I’ll wait for the next (read upgraded and reevaluated) model that addresses the issues that the masses discover with this initial offering.

Seems like it’s almost there…
It’s unfortunate that these are not available in retail stores. I use thermal and IR regularly, and LOVE the concept of this dual unit. I have zero issue with any of the technical specs, and would buy one tomorrow if I could put one in my hands and see if it passes the eye test.

But it seems like they’re releasing it before the bugs are truly worked out, and asking folks to pay $1k+ to be a Beta Tester. Software updates can only go so far…

I think I’ll wait for the next (read upgraded and reevaluated) model that addresses the issues that the masses discover with this initial offering.

Seems like it’s almost there…
So no matter how many tests we did before launch these things just pop up that are totally unexpected, some were device issues where an iPhone didn't have an issue but the android did and vise versa. It's definitely not intended for you all to be beta testers we are working on getting any issue solved as fast as possible. If you have a local shop that you like they can fill out to be a dealer and get some in shop.
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Mine arrived today, and I've been playing around with it for a couple of hours, both day and night. Here are my first thoughts:

Positive Aspects:​

  • Packaging: Nice and secure.
  • Accessories: Surprised to find 2 batteries and a charger included. There was no mention of this in the description.
  • Design: It’s a nice-looking unit.
  • Shipping: Arrived quickly.

Areas for Improvement:​

While there are many good things about this unit, some areas need attention. These issues should be fixable with updates, a better manual, and some quality YouTube videos from DNT Optics. Overall, better documentation is needed.


  • Menu Functions: The manual fails to describe many menu functions. For example, "Thermal Hotspot Tracking" could use a one-sentence explanation.
  • App Connection: There’s no information on connecting to the app or why you might want to use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or both. The app's FAQ under the Profile tab helps with Wi-Fi setup, but a tutorial at startup would have been helpful.
  • Video Recording: Not well explained. I discovered that in manual mode, one tap on the video button records 10 seconds before and after. Holding the button starts a longer recording. No mention of what Loop Recording is.
  • IR Type Selection: The manual only says to select the type of torch, with both options being 850. It doesn't clarify whether I have L or V.


  • FAQ Location: The FAQ is hidden under the Profile tab. Figuring out the Wi-Fi password took some time—it’s in the FAQ.
  • Video File Deletion: Video files don't seem to delete from the device when selected. You should be able to select multiple files or have a delete-all option.
  • Menu Access: I haven't been able to use the app to access the menu or do the zeroing. It only mirrors what I see on the unit.

UI Experience:​

  • Screen Focus: The screen isn't completely in focus. To see the time or menu items, I have to manipulate the device. It would be better to hide the icons and time, bringing them up only when needed or during video recording.
  • LRF Reading: The font size for readings is too small and hard to see.
  • DNT Icon: The DNT icon in the lower left corner is unnecessary. It would be better as a watermark on videos.
  • Time Display: The time is set in AM/PM but displays in 24-hour format. Consistency in format would be better.
  • Date Logging: The date is only logged in the app for video sorting, not on the screen for recorded videos.
  • Date and Time Accuracy: After connecting to the app, the date was off by a few days, and the time was off by about 20 minutes. This might be due to the phone losing internet connection when connected to the device.
  • Focus Adjustments: It's challenging to keep everything in focus when scanning. Day/night adjustment is manageable with a lever, but adjusting the thermal focus is difficult as it blocks the day/night and IR light with your hand.

Seeking Advice:​

If you’ve read this far, maybe someone can help me with this. I’m new to air rifles and scopes, so I might be doing something wrong. At 15 yards, using the included 0 MOA mount on top of a 1/2 low profile riser on my Notos, I couldn’t adjust the Y low enough to set 0 accurately. I don’t have much space to shoot over 15 yards, which might be the issue. I’m also shooting under regulated pressure, as my dive tank is down to around 12-1300 psi. I ultimately want to raise the scope for more comfort. Not sure if sticking with the 35 MOA mount or at least having the option would have been better.

Overall Impressions:​

First day impressions are positive. I like it and look forward to exploring its features more. I hope my compressor arrives in a few days so I can start shooting at regulated pressure. I’m also waiting on more riser options, as the current setup only allows the use of the single-shot tray. I need to figure out the zeroing—perhaps a 20 MOA riser will help. We shall see.

View attachment 484007
Yes the Eaglevision Pard 008 108 now adjustable base....I need around 70-100 moa for my Airforce 50 yard zero...made to keep screen centered.. I have a day scope.on it now...it has holes.drilled in center of base for par008 ,zulus, and I imagine housing same.fot this scope...

It's definitely not intended for you all to be beta testers we are working on getting any issue solved as fast as possible.
Not trying to argue Symantec’s…. But that’s exactly what Beta Testing is.

That’s why I’m leaning toward waiting until they bring out the refined unit, from all the beta testing info they get from consumers. I’ll pay the extra couple hundred bucks in order to get a unit that’s void of all the little issues that crop-up in a first production run. Heck, the Zulus was pretty awesome, and they’ve already updated/upgraded that unit.

Or…. if DNT would like real info, from folks who know how to use both IR and Thermal in the field, sell some at a discount to vetted testers, let them put it through it’s paces… fully expecting to run into minor issues, and help DNT evaluate the unit and proposed solutions.

Doesn’t make much sense to pay retail for a unit that is admittedly a little faulty…. even though it’s cutting edge at the price-point.

Again… conceptually it’s brilliant, and even functionally it appears to be a few small steps away from being great. I’m really looking forward to grabbing one as soon as the wrinkles are ironed out.

For now, I’ll keep running the hand-held thermal scanner and Wraith Mini for night work on the pellet rifle.
1st World problems, lol. It's nice to have choices. It sounds like the unit IS useable, not perfect but definitely not in Beta phase. Is there a new product on this forum that has not had issues when released to the masses? I think it speaks well of the new company that we have a rep here taking notes and passing info up and down the chain for product improvement.

I like the idea of one app instead of 2 like my Zulus required. Not a lot there to use yet as previously mentioned. I've got one of these 225's in the box and can't wait to put it on a rifle for some thermal love. Batteries charged, linked to my Android and some basic setup stuff done now to get familiar with the menu. I don't care for the floppy rubber lens cover vs the nice hinged cover the Zulus uses. The manual provided with the unit is lacking in info for Wi-Fi/BT but having a Zulus and reading Brawler's suggestions helped me be able to work through it. Good times, just need to decide which rifle to mount this little beast on!
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1st World problems, lol. It's nice to have choices. It sounds like the unit IS useable, not perfect but definitely not in Beta phase. Is there a new product on this forum that has not had issues when released to the masses? I think it speaks well of the new company that we have a rep here taking notes and passing info up and down the chain for product improvement.

I like the idea of one app instead of 2 like my Zulus required. Not a lot there to use yet as previously mentioned. I've got one of these 225's in the box and can't wait to put it on a rifle for some thermal love. Batteries charged, linked to my Android and some basic setup stuff done now to get familiar with the menu. I don't care for the floppy rubber lens cover vs the nice hinged cover the Zulus uses. The manual provided with the unit is lacking in info for Wi-Fi/BT but having a Zulus and reading Brawler's suggestions helped me be able to work through it. Good times, just need to decide which rifle to mount this little beast on!
Thank you and I am first a airgunner and you guys that know me I have been here as that. That will continue I just have a added bonus to help with the new products from the company. Glad to help anyone that needs it and will take any tips or suggestions to the team.
@brawler1588 Here are a few pictures of my setup. By no means perfect, but without spending more money on rail parts, it works. Ideally I would like it mounted a bit higher, setback just a little bit more and have the back rail of the gun be used to help stabilize and distribute the canteliver force. I don't see it failing how it is now, but I'd still rather it be a stronger connection. Maybe at some point I'll buy some more risers... The notos's rail is plastic and doesn't come off as all that strong. The back portion of the rail and the front are not spaced in a way that allows a rail to bridge the gap, I would have to modify either a riser or the gun to let the two sides mate up. Then I could feel more comfortable moving the scope back to where I really want, and maybe at the same time add another 1/2" rise, but then I may need a steeper MOA rise.

@brawler1588 Here are a few pictures of my setup. By no means perfect, but without spending more money on rail parts, it works. Ideally I would like it mounted a bit higher, setback just a little bit more and have the back rail of the gun be used to help stabilize and distribute the canteliver force. I don't see it failing how it is now, but I'd still rather it be a stronger connection. Maybe at some point I'll buy some more risers... The notos's rail is plastic and doesn't come off as all that strong. The back portion of the rail and the front are not spaced in a way that allows a rail to bridge the gap, I would have to modify either a riser or the gun to let the two sides mate up. Then I could feel more comfortable moving the scope back to where I really want, and maybe at the same time add another 1/2" rise, but then I may need a steeper MOA rise.

View attachment 486541View attachment 486544
You can move the scope back from the base and use 3 or even 2 of the mounting screws do bring the scope back farther. Follow the specs and you will be good.
You can move the scope back from the base and use 3 or even 2 of the mounting screws do bring the scope back farther. Follow the specs and you will be good.
Gotcha, that would probably give me a little bit more, but still not as much as i'd like. I already have the mount over hanging, and the UTG riser overhanging..

I need to just go ahead and add a small riser to the rear so I can bridge the front and back of the gun. That would aid in stability and give a ton more rear adjustment.