Other Do I need a .177?

I have the M60B in .177. Love it.

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High shot count? At what power level?

My stock .177 Marauder gets over 160 shots on one fill ...if choked down to 5-6ftlbs, but performs best at ~11.5ftlbs with 8.6gr H&N ftt's (80 extremely consistent shots). Tuners haver gotten even better shot count at similar power (~12ftlbs) when they work their magic and add trick parts.

As a general guideline, half the power (fpe)= double shot count. Might not be 100%, but close enough. I like to back off on hammer springs then reduce transfer port diameter. Gives a tight ES without having to mess around with regulators. 12ftlbs give or take is plenty for .177, but some want more. Once you go north of 18ftlbs you start using more and more air, at 35+ftlbs .177's gulp big time.
All of my airguns are .177 cal. My rifles have all put meat on the table. They are quiet and perfect for the back yard. Cheap to shoot. Why wouldn't you want a .177 in the arsenal?
The Mrod in .177 with a Lothar Walther barrel is a great option. I've still got mine shooting strong after 10+ years. I've had it tuned for 30 shots ~900 FPS with JSB Monsters. Makes a good field gun if you keep the optics light and low and, unregulated, is capable of making darn good power given the caliber. I'd buy mine from Airgun Revisions, if I were in the market today.
But my most critter-gettinest gun has to be my old Benjamin 397 pumper. It drew blood the first day I had it, some 29 years ago now. I've taken more small game and pests with it than all my other guns combined.
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I really like my P25-177 which is almost the same as a Stoeger bullshark. I get close to 100 19fpe shots from a fill. It is surprisingly effective on squirrels and good for targets in low wind. Likes H&N Baracuda Match pellets and easily gets them going 900 fps. Nice and quiet with an in shroud printed moderator. Only weighs about 5 lbs.

It is a good rifle, just not an expensive one.
Who makes the P25-177? Gamo? Is it a pistol or a rifle?
Probably not but I want one! I hoped to justify it by using the price of pellets but the maths just do not work out. Quieter? No again. My Zelos in .25 is so quiet that it sucks in sound from other pellet rifles going off in the area and makes them quieter. The only justification I have is that my .25 is tearing up the cheap spinner targets I have, and that's enough for me!

So, can you recommend a PCP .177 that is inexpensive and has a high shot count?
i have a different take on the tiny .177 pellet.
Why i like them is easy: They teach me a lot about the affects of wind on my Point of Aim or shot placement v my point of impact.
what i don't like: how hard it is to load those tiny buggers into a right angle breech or magazine.
I don't really have any trouble handling the pellets until I get to the really light stuff and my 1701P, which is a single shot pistol. The ~7gr domes like to stand on their heads if I try to seat the pellet with the probe. I usually have to slide the pellet into the breach with my thumb and then close the bolt. No a problem with 8gr and up as the skirts are heavier and longer and thus do not stand on their heads. Other than that, I guess I've gotten used to handling them (then again, not having anything but .177, I have nothing to compare to).
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Probably not but I want one! I hoped to justify it by using the price of pellets but the maths just do not work out. Quieter? No again. My Zelos in .25 is so quiet that it sucks in sound from other pellet rifles going off in the area and makes them quieter. The only justification I have is that my .25 is tearing up the cheap spinner targets I have, and that's enough for me!

So, can you recommend a PCP .177 that is inexpensive and has a high shot count?
I could reverse that question. I have been a .25cal man for many years(years back) but after returning to the airgunscene starting with an accurate good .177cal . I am asking myself:"Do I really need a .25cal"?....
The .177cal doing + 25-30 ft/ibs with heavy 20-22cal slugs will do a lot. In your situationen a .177cal for casuell plinking might be your answer.
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Probably not but I want one! I hoped to justify it by using the price of pellets but the maths just do not work out. Quieter? No again. My Zelos in .25 is so quiet that it sucks in sound from other pellet rifles going off in the area and makes them quieter. The only justification I have is that my .25 is tearing up the cheap spinner targets I have, and that's enough for me!

So, can you recommend a PCP .177 that is inexpensive and has a high shot count?
Only if your fingers still have the dexterity and feeling to fiddle with those irritating tiny pellets.

-- Matt
I believe 7 mags
High shot count? At what power level?

My stock .177 Marauder gets over 160 shots on one fill ...if choked down to 5-6ftlbs, but performs best at ~11.5ftlbs with 8.6gr H&N ftt's (80 extremely consistent shots). Tuners haver gotten even better shot count at similar power (~12ftlbs) when they work their magic and add trick parts.

As a general guideline, half the power (fpe)= double shot count. Might not be 100%, but close enough. I like to back off on hammer springs then reduce transfer port diameter. Gives a tight ES without having to mess around with regulators. 12ftlbs give or take is plenty for .177, but some want more. Once you go north of 18ftlbs you start using more and more air, at 35+ftlbs .177's gulp big time.
7 mags about 77shots
@21.5 Fpe
Yeah there arent a whole lot of ammos that are actually cheaper in 177. Certainly some but not as many as maybe there used to be back in the day. I have been buying up the JSB KO MK3 slugs when they go on sale and those are the cheapest good ammo I have really come across so far. And even then the price difference between 22Cal is almost nothin

I found out that my cheapish .177 really likes cheapish CPHPs, which is convenient. The same pellets domed, not so much.