Whip me , beat me, stomp my head now. Tie me down and call me Edna!
No Edna, diabolos do NOT want to flip over and fly backwards , and no Edna they do NOT want to tumble, and no Edna a diabolo is NOT drag stabilized:
Rafeie M, Teymourtash A.~ Aerodynamic and dynamic analysis of three common 4.5 mm-caliber pellets in transonic flow
Corey K. ~ Airgun pellet performance using computational fluid dynamics
Salimipour S, Teymourtash A, Mamourian M. ~ Investigation and comparison of performance of some air gun projectiles with nose shape modifications
And no Edna diabolo pellets are NOT shuttlecocks:
Cooke A. ~ Shuttlecock aerodynamics.
Want to use your "safe word" Edna?!? As I have 8 more research papers on diabolo pellets! Or would you prefer:
Ou K, Castonguay P, Jameson A. ~ Computational Sports Aerodynamics of a Moving Sphere: Simulating a Ping Pong Ball in Free Flight?!?
And baby, don't be surprised and start crying when I tell you a diabolo and a Frisbee both spin but are way different:
Potts J, Crowther J. ~ Frisbee Aerodynamics
Lyrics from "Edna -Strapped" Thanks to Dr. Demento.