Snowpeak Done with this damn regulator!!!

So after having a scare trying to tune this pp700sa regulator I have had it. (tank was full but gun would not shoot. Valve empty)

I am going to buy a huma reg so that I can see exactly where the pressure is.

I saw the 2 year old video of a guy using JB weld to bypass the reg mod. What do you do to the belville washers. Did he also remove all the internals such as washers, brass with

o-ring, the screw that goes into brass piece, and white nylon piece where that screw sits on. Did he junk all this and just used the tin and jb weld to seal it and on the other end

he said just use oring instead of the nylon piece. Then he drilled holes out on reg.

ANOTHER WAY I heard if you screw in clockwise the regulator screw on top of the washers and screw it all the way down this will bypass the reg.

How tight do I screw that reg screw down??? THis is easier but are there gains or better flow with the JB weld version??? I plan to use HUMA reg is there advantage of

bypassing one way of the other.