How much more quite is a Donny FL compared to a stock FX moderator? Is it worth upgrading to a Donny?
How much more quite is a Donny FL compared to a stock FX moderator? Is it worth upgrading to a Donny?
I was thinking the sumo DonnyFL. And yes the empty can FX.Which DonnyFL? Are you taking about the FX empty can vs the FX DonnyFL moderator upgrade? The empty can is surprisingly good but the DonnyFL FX moderator is significantly quieter and well worth the upgrade IMHO. You ah e to go to a sumo to be a little quieter.
I was thinking the sumo DonnyFL. And yes the empty can FX.
Really? Can you explain how you install the felt and hair curler. I would love to try curlers and felt works wonders in the FX stackable (hollow) moderators.
much better than the DFL/FX, tanto and tatsu.
thats from my 2 crown mk2's in .22, YMMV....
Interesting. S7hair curlers and felt works wonders in the FX stackable (hollow) moderators.
much better than the DFL/FX, tanto and tatsu.
thats from my 2 crown mk2's in .22, YMMV....
You’re not late for me, CT45. Thanks for confirming what I suspected. So, you are saying that even the Ronin was loud? Was it at least significantly better than the Donny FX? What caliber were you running? Thank you. S7A little late to this thread, but I'd strongly advise you try and find someone with the moderators you're interested that you can see/hear in person. Maybe even on the same rifle/caliber too. I watched reviews of PCP airguns that seemed near-silent, bought one plus some fancy moderators, and am shocked by how loud the whole setup is in person. (FX Wildcat MK3 BT Compact with the DonnyFL 'FX' moderator upgrade and then, hoping it'd be better, also the DonnyFL Ronin.) I don't know if the videos I saw were shot on an iPhone that was dampening the strongest sounds or whatever, but it's night and day vs expectations. Step carefully before you spend!
So YMMV, etc, but: I have a Wildcat MK3 BT Compact in .30, DonnyFL Ronin and a DonnyFL FX 'moderator upgrade.' The former is about 2x the size of the latter. When shooting indoors (which is all I've done -- concrete garage, so probably much louder than outdoors or even indoors with less reverb-prone surfaces), I can't really tell a sound difference between the two.You’re not late for me, CT45. Thanks for confirming what I suspected. So, you are saying that even the Ronin was loud? Was it at least significantly better than the Donny FX? What caliber were you running? Thank you. S7
You're welcome. S7YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary. The barrel length is a good call-out. I can definitely see that affecting sound and isn't something I'd really considered. Thanks.