I have the sumo in size .25-.30 cal on a Benjamin Cayden it's a .22cal , I have had zero clipping , the noise suppression is awesome, no issues with accuracy, The sumo is bigger then the tatsu, It was recommended from DonnyFl when I emailed, to go up a size ,to .25 -30 ( PLUS SIZING ) I will ask if you have made sure the tatsu is not damaged, blocked, and screwed on snug ? If it is loose then that could cause clipping, Bent pellets, and tight tolerances of the .22 size can cause clipping, There are many threads on this forum about this, do a search , or email Donny fl tell them what gun you have and see what the pros have to say. It helps me to know what gun you are using , to give you specific answers relative to your questions . Have a good day.