Don't forget to make the Devil's Eye a part of your Spring Range!

Target Forge

Mar 12, 2021
CA, United States
Hello Airgun Nation! First of all. THANK YOU for all the business you guys have sent our way, I really appreciate it. The Range Erector Set idea is really taking off and that is thanks to YOU, our best customers!

The Devil's Eye, a product that really started all this, and evolved into the Devil's Eye High Energy, is being added to in ways that will blow your mind. The Original and the High Energy continue to sell amazingly well and make creating a challenging Field Target Practise, or casual plinking, range inexpensive and super easy to set up. For right now all I can share is this Devil's Eye, but rest assured there is some serious cool headed your way! Head over to to check 'em out...


Mod Edit: modified picture to be more in line with forum rules.